Home Sweet Home

The idea of “home” is loaded with narrative and autobiographical potential. It bastes us in resiliency… and baggage. How can “home” weave into your story?

The word “home” is chock full of associations and connotations that ring uniquely true for everyone. From nurturing and close-knit environments filled with love to dreadful, dysfunctional combat zones, homes mold characters into who they are and give them impetus for their many decisions throughout life. We hope you find something here to help with your creative endeavor. As always, we invite you to share this page with your friends and comment at the bottom of the page if you have more ideas about home. Enjoy!

Home Descriptions

  • abode, dwelling, domicile, house, loft, condo, apartment, acreage, manor, hearth, homebase, family farm, residence, space, own space, old stomping grounds, neighborhood, camp, see Homes and Abodes for more ideas on types of residences
  • warm, welcoming, hearty, healthy, safe, caring, comfortable, content, calm, secure, stable, sincere, true, cordial, cheery, supportive, playful, fostering, loaded with laughter,
  • cozy, quaint, charming, comfy,
  • stirring, reminiscent, enduring, lasting, impactful,
  • ghostly, chilling, haunted, foreboding, echoing, hollow, phantom,
  • lonely, forlorn, spiritless, listless, lifeless, drab,
  • cold, cool, distant, ominous, fraught, stressful, imposing, oppressive, violent, dysfunctional, estranged, scary, nerve-wracking, festering, angry,
  • troubled, unpredictable, random, ill at ease, festering, stewing, disconcerted, unsettled, upset, worrying, worried, worn,
  • old, outdated, antiquated, past, worn, faded, threadbare, tired,
  • bitter, old wounds, sarcasm, regret, revisionist history,
  • large, open, spacious, roomy,
  • close, tight, stuffy,
  • dry, dusty, musty, earthy, musky, stale, fusty,
  • neat, orderly, OCD, pristine, clean, tidy, anal-retentive, well-kept, preserved,
  • cluttered, scattered, messy, dirty, unkempt, piled high, matted carpet,
  • fetid, sour, stinky, smelly, rotting, rank, rancid,
  • yard, field,
  • barn, shed, coop, garage,
  • hardwood floor, carpet, rugs,
  • vaulted ceiling, steep-pitched roof, dormer window,
  • attic, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, foyer, landing, bedroom, see ROOMS for more ideas
  • deck, terrace, veranda, patio, porch,
  • garden, yard, lawn,

Characters at Home

  • mom, dad, parent, step-parent, single parent,
  • grandma, grandpa, grandparent,
  • brother, sister, half-sister, step brother, older sibling, toddler,
  • infant, baby, kid, snot-nosed little brother, whiny sister,
  • know-it-all, bossy sister, gay brother, nosy sibling,
  • mentally ill family member who may be: depressed, suicidal, anxious, prone to panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive, bipolar, hot-tempered, abusing prescription meds, on meds, not taking their meds,
  • special needs family member,
  • delinquent mother, alcoholic, drug abuser, drug user, hoarder,
  • judgmental grandparent,
  • abusive parent, aggressive father,
  • liar, cheater, adulterer,
  • father’s girlfriend, live-in boyfriend, parent’s date or fling,
  • daughter’s boyfriend, son’s fiance, new bride or groom, ex-bride or groom,
  • neighbours, friends, extended family, nosy neighbour, guy who always borrows stuff and never returns it, envious neighbour, the coveted neighbour’s wife,
  • pet, dog, cat, fish, ferret, snake,
  • ghost, spirit, family guardian, skeleton in the closet (literal or figurative), buried body,
  • monster under the bed, in the closet, down the basement, beneath the stairs, in the hole, in the hold, in the cage,
  • guest, resident writer, visiting family, old friend, old roommate, college buddy, boarder, lost wanderer, hired help,
  • servant, butler, maid, gardener, guards, sentinel,

Stuff at Home

  • photo album, pictures, frames, collage, kid art, finger painting,
  • collections, assortments,
  • cutlery, dishes, glassware, the fine china, silverware, pots and pans, cooking gadgets, cookie cutters, George Forman grill, BBQ, smoker, clay oven,
  • tools, work gear at the back entrance, bag of hockey gear,
  • welcome mat, door knocker, broken door handle,
  • icon, statuette, religious paraphernalia, wall hanging, collector plates, painting, modern art, trinket, souvenir, heraldic symbols,
  • puzzle, game, gadget, toy, tarot cards, Ouija board,
  • pop culture pieces,
  • furniture, couch, drapery, tapestry, kitchen table, chairs, arm chair, recliner,
  • lamp, candle, chandelier, fireplace, firepit, see LIGHTS for more ideas
  • stereo, piano, phone dock, surround sound, wind up phonograph, music library, guitar, trumpet from high school, cassette tape of a family sing-along,
  • smashed window covered with cardboard, broken handrail, disconnected dishwasher, leaky faucet, piano with a soundless key,
  • old TV, wornout shoes, skeleton key,
  • jewelry box, safe, treasure chest, old trunk, lock box, secret wall panel, security box, safe room, bomb shelter, bug out bag, escape hatch, hidden money, tunnel under the house, hollow wall passage, secret door,
  • weapons, gun safe, handgun in the desk drawer, magic sword, musket with family history, dagger, mace, scepter,
  • staircase, railing, banister, balustrade, parapet,
  • grave stone, buried pet, family plot, urn of ashes, shrine, memorial, temple, chapel, altar,

Notes and Ideas about Home

  • Every home has a unique “home smell“. Think of the aspects of the home in your writing and consider the cntributing aromas of: pets, food, frying, cleaners, perfumes, candles, incense, fire, heating, body odour, profession, job, laundry frequency, smoking, furniture surfaces, floor surfaces, building materials, source of dust particles, spices, air filters,
  • A home can almost be a character in and of itself in a story. A character can be intimately familiar with a home so the home can have an attitude and demeanor reflected in the way the door opens or the couch feels or the way a kettle calls like an old friend.