Emotional Traits

The situation is made better or worse by the emotional state of those involved. From cool, calculated, and rational to hot-headed, reactionary, and impulsive, emotions determine outcome. What’s your approach going to be today?

Emotional Traits Menu

  • cerebral, calculating, , inventive, learned
  • insensitive, obtuse, witless, slow, dull, ignorant, simple-minded, shallow,
  • egotistical, vain, selfish, egocentric, narcissistic, conceited, 
  • salubrious, delightful, 
  • gritty, tough, strong, enduring, 
  • healthful, energetic, 
  • practical, reasonable, logical, 
  • devout, dedicated, committed, keeps a promise, devoted, staunch, steadfast, sworn
  • sincere, honest,
  • saturnine, gloomy, glum, downtrodden, crestfallen, pessimistic, dark, emo, moody, 
  • sanguine, 
  • rueful, 
  • fearful, terrified, unnerved,
  • brutal, ruthless, unyielding, pressing, unrelenting, 
  • even-tempered, cool, calm, unfazed, 
  • base, primal, animal,
  • virtuous, sanctimonious
  • good-natured, good-humoured
  • unappeasable
  • smug
  • impious
  • troubled, over-cooked,
  • self-loathing,
  • irrational, baffling, unpredictable, moody, uneven, prone to mood swings, touchy, 
  • diabolical, evil, dark, devilish, demon-like, 
  • holy, devout, religious, pious, reverent, faithful, god-fearing, submissive, spiritual, saintly, 
  • sacrilegious, unrepentant, unholy, blashpemous, heretical, 
  • disturbed, twisted, 
  • driven, keen, fervent, zealous, 
  • importunate, impudent, imperturbable, impossible, immature, impressionable, impish, 
  • crestfallen, downtrodden, lugubrious, somber,
  • apprehensive, cautious, doubtful,
  • emotional, sentimental, sensitive,
  • malicious, hateful, angry, hurtful, vicious, dastardly, cruel, vitriolic, acerbic, splenetic,
  • irascible, quick-tempered, bad-tempered, hot under the collar, easily angered, prone to rage, touchy, tetchy, testy,
  • implacable, unforgiving, displeased, relentless,
  • elusive, mysterious, coy, 
  • responsible, reliable,
  • primal, given to urges, impulsive, animal, barbaric, passionate, driven, 
  • impish, playful, mischievous, rash, impulsive, 
  • bashful, modest,
  • coy, alluring, coquettish, flirtatious, 
  • puerile, juvenile, silly, giggly, goofy, childish, infantile, immature, 
  • eager, wanting to please, positive, 
  • barbarous, uncivilized, primitive, savage, 
  • persistent, dutiful, determined,
  • deliberate, unwavering, unmaleable, 
  • puissant, powerful, large, larger than life, impressive, formidable. 
  • devious, chaotic, anarchic, turbulent, unruly, 
  • dedicated, loyal, committed,
  • abstemious
  • loose, unhinged, uncontrolled, wild,
  • furtive
  • depraved, wicked, devilish, unprincipled, 
  • boyish
  • hurried, rushed, impatient, 
  • abusive, angry, violent, aggressive, 
  • inattentive, withdrawn, aloof, 
  • brave, strong, courageous, gallant, chivalrous, proud, 
  • wretched, self-abasing, self-deprecatory, pathetic, 
  • absorbed, acquisitive, incredulous, 
  • innocent, naive, foolhardy, heedless, 
  • chary, skeptical, cautious, wary, heedful, 
  • positive, bombastic, 
  • bossy, controlling
  • fearless, adventurous, daring, bold, reckless
  • waspish, pious, haughty, pedantic, devout, faithful, faithless, doctrinal, dogmatic, 
  • deceptive, tricky, sly, devious, dishonest
  • ravenous, consuming, devouring, lustful, 
  • inspired, self-enveloped, 
  • shy, timid, diffident, meek, timid, unassertive, insecure, mousy, demure, 
  • demanding, inflexible, intractable, difficult, stubborn, pigheaded, unyielding, obstinate,
  • quiet, taciturn, tight lipped, reticent, keeps to self,
  • saucy, thoughtful, sneaky, humorous, lonely, polite, suspicious, 
  • cowardly, scaredy cat, chicken, yellow-bellied, 
  • vivacious, larger than life, boisterous, animated, enthusiastic, ebullient, dynamic, effervescent, bubbly, 
  • warm, big-hearted, welcoming,
  • kind, generous, gregarious, 
  • egotistical, brazen, snobbish, confident, overconfident, 
  • overzealous
  • sagacious, shrewd
  • trustworthy
  • blunt, honest, too honest, over-sharing, blabber mouthed, 
  • contrite, penitent, ashamed, sheepish, sorry, regretful, remorseful, guilty, self-conscious, 
  • cynical, humorless, skeptical, doubtful, disbelieving, 
  • sorrowful, rueful, woeful, sad, regretful,
  • earnest, somber, serious, sober, stoic, staid, 
  • envious, jealous, covetous, selfish, 
  • lacking conviction, without belief, faithless,
  • impetuous
  • frank, curt, direct, brutally honest, filterless, 
  • sarcastic, facetious, flippant, aloof, 
  • surly, testy, grouchy, edgy, irritable, cross, huffy, snappy, cantankerous, crabby, ornery, 
  • fickle, unpredictable, mercurial, capricious, volatile, 
  • ignorant, naive, impressionable, uninitiated, shallow, obtuse, 
  • impudent, insolent
  • merciless, heartless, guiltless, unremorseful, psychotic, emotionless, gray-hearted, stone cold, 
  • melancholic, withdrawn, woeful, depressive, heavy, pensive, thoughtful, wistful, 
  • overburdened, weighed down, heavy headed, 
  • angry, fiery, quick-tempered, hot under the collar, hair-triggered, 
  • superstitious, paranoid, 
  • weak, nervous, 
  • contaminated
  • disrespectful, distasteful, disconsolate, 
  • gritty, gutsy, tough, tuff, seasoned, battle-hardened, 
  • moody
  • listless, placid, 
  • modest
  • pathetic, slovenly, leprous, low, lascivious, 
  • prim, prudent
  • shallow, one-dimensional, predictable, a caricature, 
  • surly, saucy, dirty, smutty, lecherous, vile, indecent, perverted, ribald, 
  • impractical
  • capricious, volatile, moody, temperamental, 
  • absurd, ridiculous, bizarre, odd, strange, weird, queer, off, off the beaten path, marching to a different drum, around the bend, 
  • bashful, unsociable, reserved, 
  • faint-hearted, weak, weak-willed, lacking gumption, heartless, cowardly, wimpering, 
  • illustrious, eminent, grand, royal, 
  • realistic
  • judicious
  • submissive, docile, compliant, obedient, 
  • loyal, committed, true, devoted, 
  • resolute, determined, driven, 
  • dictatorial, authoritarian, domineering, 
  • methodical
  • bigoted, opinionated
  • domineering
  • listless
  • idealistic, dogmatic, 
  • impractical, 
  • shrewd, wise, cunning
  • sensitive, irrational
  • dramatic, melodramatic, “drama queen”, 
  • unprincipled, irresponsible, 
  • inconsolable
  • unusual
  • imperturbable
  • steadfast
  • sagacious
  • sharp
  • traditional
  • melodramatic
  • busy
  • closed-minded
  • apish
  • passe, aloof
  • overconfident, arrogant, snooty, 
  • talkative, loquacious, 
  • square, predictable, safe, rational, cautious
  • defensive
  • personable, befriending, bouncy
  • inspiring
  • scary
  • skeptical
  • put-off
  • frustrated, annoyed
  • annoying, frustrating, 
  • demoralizing, demoralized
  • controlling, overbearing,
  • pious,  righteous, pedantic, condescending, 
  • loud, obnoxious, garrish, garrulous, 
  • open, welcoming, kind, loving, tender, soft, 
  • impolite, boorish, rude, 
  • well liked, complimentary, comfortable, 
  • geeky
  • contained
  • skippy
  • shy
  • pained
  • disturbed, disturbing, 
  • unnerving, unnerved, 
  • public
  • frugal
  • insecurepersistent
  • envious, precocious, vicious
  • tense, up tight, intense, high-strung, anxious
  • sure-footed, respectable, stately, confident
  • jovial, pleasant, happy, content, thrilled,
  • maniacal, spastic, unruly, fanatical
  • road raging,

Stuff about Emotions

  • Emotions fluctuate, so pick two fairly different emotions and have your character vacillate between them.
  • Some emotions are attached to triggers. Create triggers that set off your characters emotional volatility.

Emotional Situations and Settings

A good way to experiment with your character is to put them in emotional situations and play out (or write or sketch) a scene to see how they’d behave. If you like it, keep it; if not, you’ll know what to adjust.

Any of these can work as story starters or conflict builders. Just put your character into a situation that you know they can’t handle and see how wrong it can go. You’ll know it when you hit the right one!

Try some of these:

  • funeral, cemetery, identifying the body at the morgue,
  • a really sappy wedding, wedding shower, your own wedding
  • drunken brawl, lewd stag, surly poker game, getting sloshed or hammered and then stumbling loudly back home,
  • getting arrested, running from the cops, hiding from an enemy or pursuer,
  • birthday party for a one year old, or five year old, or teen or 80 year old,
  • high school reunion, looking through a year book or photo album,
  • getting in a car accident, finding out their spouse is in a car accident,
  • awkward work party, partner’s colleagues over for dinner,
  • performing, giving a speech,
  • run out of toilet paper after going to the washroom at a date’s small apartment,
  • meeting an abuser from the past, confronting one’s assailant (or victim),
  • bad news from a doctor, lawyer,
  • pregnancy, accidental pregnancy, long-awaited pregnancy,
  • death of a parent, dealing with lawyers after the death of a parent,
  • at the free throw line in a basketball game in the dying seconds (pressure)
  • late for work, caught in rush hour, job interview,
  • seeing someone getting assaulted, verbally abused, bullied,
  • passing a panhandler, or panhandling themselves,
  • on a crowded bus without a seat (or with a seat),
  • first date, first kiss, first crush, love at first site,
  • after a break up, rocky point in a relationship, been told by partner they had an affair,
  • falling in lust, infidelity, torrid affair,