Military Characters

Some characters answer the call, others may be pressed into service or drafted. The military takes them all into her folds and turns them into… well… that has yet to be determined for your character. Currahee!


  • ensign, private, draftee, private first class, enlistee, grunt, parachutist, trooper, troop, marine,
  • corporal, sergeant, buck sergeant, staff sergeant,
  • sergeant-major, gunnery sergeant, “gunny”
  • officer, warrant officer, non-commissioned officer (NCO), commissioned officer, commanding officer,
  • lieutenant, first lieutenant,
  • captain, major, colonel,
  • lieutenant colonel,
  • lieutenant general, brigadier general,
  • general, admiral, commander
  • supreme commander, commander-in-chief,


  • soldier, fighter, footman, pikeman, swordsman,
  • mercenary, militiaman, freedom fighter, hired sword, guerrilla,
  • marine
  • archer, bowman, crossbowman
  • musketeer, fusilier,
  • parachutist, master parachutist,
  • command, operations command, field command,
  • cook, galley chef, chef, mess officer, orderly
  • MP (military police), investigations unit
  • grunt, point man, scout, sniper, infantry, cavalry, air cavalry, reconnaissance (recon),
  • communications, signal man, radio man,
  • head quarters, command, operations,
  • supply, ordinance, quarter master, munitions,
  • transportation, maintenance,
  • artillery, gunner,
  • maneuver elements, flanking team,
  • veteran, decorated soldier
  • corpsman, medic, healer, nurse, surgeon, barber-surgeon, orderly, doctor, physician, aid station personnel, “Doc”,
  • staffer, clerk, orderly, assistant, assistant to the assistant,
  • operations, research and development, logistics,
  • machine gunner,
  • musician, standard bearer, torch bearer,
  • agent, spy, double agent, intelligence, cyphers, encoder/decoder,
  • advance team, advance party,
  • perimeter, observation post, listening post,
  • front line, support, rear,
  • strategist, tactician, seer, reader of the entrails,
  • siege engineer, trebuchet team, giant rat wrangler,
  • wrangler, hostler,
  • chaplain
  • historian, regimental colors standard bearer, archivist, recorder, secretary, librarian, record keeper, files clerk
  • pilot
  • fire support
  • mortar squad, antitank platoon,
  • navigator

Military Organization

  • fire team,
  • squad,
  • platoon,
  • company,
  • battalion, brigade,
  • regiment
  • division,
  • army, corps,
  • advance party,
  • battle group, task force,
  • unit, squadron, flotilla, fleet, carrier battle group, armada,
  • head quarters, command post, command,
  • squadron, group, wing, command, division, flight, fighter command, bomber command, air force, bomb wing,
  • tech squad, service command, air service command,
  • staff,
  • artillery, armour, cavalry, air cav, parachutes, airborne, mechanized,
  • recon, service group,