High School

For some it may be the best years of their lives… but for writers, it’s the best years to write about. High school with all its twists and turns is full of narrative potential… dare you venture on?

High School Characters

  • principal, teacher, administrator, teacher assistant,
  • student teacher, substitute teacher,
  • bus driver, lunchroom supervisor, hall monitor, parent supervisor,
  • athlete, jock, star player, the quarterback,
  • nerd, geek, computer geek,
  • science club, math club, astronomy club,
  • scouts, survivalists,
  • cadets, military students,
  • young philosopher who belongs to Existentialists-R-Us (or are they?)
  • chess club, debate club,
  • popular kids, socials,
  • lunch room queen bee, mean girls, clicks (cliques)
  • greasers, edgy kid, kid from across the tracks, wrong part of town,
  • cheerleaders, pep team, marching band, glee club,
  • theatre students, designers, artists, artsy fartsies, drama kids,
  • mechanics, vocational students,
  • preppies, rich kids, wannabees,
  • volunteer, class president,
  • foreigner, immigrant, illegal alien, new citizen,
  • LGBTO club, student support member, gay student, lost student, student prodigy,
  • redneck, class clown, joker, goofball, midriff, mook, slut, skinhead,
  • young celebrity, young offender, scary kid, weird kid,
  • kid who is too old for his age, visiting grandparent, old teacher who came back to visit,
  • haters, goodie goods, rules lawyers,
  • religious kid, kid who sells odd things out of his locker, loser, outcast, pariah, young evangelical,
  • the kid who is sooooo good at: science, English, social studies, history, geography, gym, math, everything, nothing, sports,
  • custodian, caretaker, groundskeeper, gardener (private school), janitor,
  • the smart kid, study buddies,
  • kid with: blindness, hearing loss, developmental delays, physical challenges, high IQ, low IQ, giftedness, autism, ADD, ADHD,
  • BFFs, exes, girlfriend, boyfriend,
  • friends from out of school,
  • welcome committee, student council, orientation crew, student leaders, pep rally peppies (peppers, pepperonis, pepperazzi),
  • visitors, special guests,
  • security officer, police officer,
  • nurse, first aid attendant,
  • dropouts, truants, druggie, weed dealer, smokers, immature kid,
  • PTA president, volunteer parent, nosy parent, whiny parent, helpful parent, caring parent, helicopter parent, parent who couldn’t care less,
  • loner kid, book worm, quiet one, introvert,
  • kid who gets angry about: imperfect marks, friends having other friends, teacher favourites,
  • kids from uptown, downtown, neighborhood, trailer park, bused in, across the tracks, round the way, rural, urban, the rez, the walk ups, the manors, the colony, the valley, the hills, another country,

High School Environments

  • front lawn, steps, foyer, landing, concrete pad,
  • bike racks,
  • parking lot,
  • music room, drama room, theatre, stage, gym stage,
  • gym, large gym, small gym, ball storage, storage room, equipment room,
  • office, general office, front office, principal’s office, reception,
  • classroom,
  • cafeteria, kitchen, home ec lab, foods lab,
  • school store,
  • science lab, dangerous chemicals storage room,
  • custodian office, supplies room,
  • staff room, staff lounge, student lounge,
  • work room, prep room, photocopier room, lunch room,
  • hallway,
  • lockers,
  • change rooms,
  • washroom, toilets,
  • art room, painting studio, studio, gallery,
  • stairs,
  • basement, attic,
  • school roof,
  • track,
  • school yard, field, lawn,
  • detention room, timeout room, lock up, the hole,
  • library,
  • entrance, doorway,
  • smokers’ area,
  • the park,
  • tennis court, bowling alley, swimming pool, weight room,