Stuff Descriptors

What is the defining quality of a thing? Sometimes it has many facets… take a look at these menus to describe your stuff!

This page is divided into various sub categories of descriptors. Many link to other pages with even more detail. Enjoy!


  • red, rouge, ruddy, scarlet, vermilion, cinnabar,
  • purple, violet, magenta, burgundy,
  • blue, cerulean, cyan, indigo,
  • yellow, sunny,
  • bright, brilliant, neon,
  • ecru, beige, tan, cream, light brown, taupe, buff, khaki,
  • off-white, eggshell, white,
  • black, jet,
  • brown,
  • gold, silver,
  • neutral,
  • green, lime, olive,
  • natural, earthy,
  • deep toned, rich, full, intense,
  • light toned, pale,
  • mellow, calm, serene, relaxing,
  • balanced, in harmony, complimentary
  • clashing, mismatched, tacky, incongruours
  • ochre, pukey,
  • orange, cinnabar, sunny,
  • camoflauge, cameleon,
  • rainbow, multicolored, dappled,


  • rough, scratchy, coarse,
  • fuzzy, furry, hairy, bushy,
  • smooth,
  • oily, greasy,
  • silky, creamy,
  • supple, fluid, fluent, flexible, bendable, compliant,
  • rich,
  • stiff, resistant, rigid, firm,


  • big, large, huge, gigantic, gargantuan, bigly, massive
  • average, comfortable, commonplace,
  • small, tiny, little, compact, minuscule, minute,
  • microspopic, atomic,


  • metal,
  • wood,
  • fabric,
  • synthetic,
  • natural,
  • fibrous,
  • liquid,


  • cheap, gaudy, tawdry, kitschy, poor, lowbrow,
  • expensive, fine, rich,