Wonders of the World

Ever wonder about wondrous wonders? Why not have characters in your narrative wander through the wonders? Check these out…

The Many Wonders of the World (real Earth things)

  • Great Pyramid of Giza, Chichen Itza in Mexico, Ek Balam,
  • Stone Henge, Moai (Easter Island)
  • Great Wall of China,
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria
  • Colossus of Rhodes, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Christ Redeemer in Rio, Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore,
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Acropolis of Athens,
  • Red Square,
  • Kiyomizu-dera (Kyoto), Timbuktu,
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
  • Machu Picchu,
  • Chatuchak Weekend Market, Portobello Road, Jemaa El Fnaa at Marrakech,
  • Roman Colosseum
  • Taj Mahal, Alhambra, Angkor Wat, Hagia Sophia,
  • Empire State Building, Eiffel Tower, CN Tower, Arc de Triumphe,
  • Petra (Jordan),
  • Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls,
  • Neuschwanstein,
  • Panama Canal, Itaipu Dam, Netherlands North Sea Protection Works,
  • The Grand Canyon, Mt. Everest, Paricutin Volcano, Cliffs of Dover,
  • Great Barrier Reef,
  • Channel Tunnel, Golden Gate Bridge,
  • Vimy Ridge WWI Tunnels, Dieppe, D-day Beaches,
  • International Space Station,

Types of Wonders

  • monument, statue, tribute, commemoration, testament,
  • cemetery, memorial, tomb, battlefields, battlegrounds, funerary monuments, martyr’s tomb, cenotaph, tombstone,
  • museums, archives,
  • stone structure, stone ring, monolith, slab, erection,
  • things that are massive, colossal, gargantuan, titanic,
  • temple, sanctuary, monastery, cathedral, shrine,
  • palace, castle,
  • fortifications, bunkers,
  • tower, sky scraper,
  • wastelands, areas of desolation, destruction,
  • wall, barrier, barricades,
  • stone, marker, obelisk, cairn, pile,
  • arcade, collonade, pillars,
  • site of a relic, antiquity, tablet, token, icon, ark, book,
  • cave, cavern,
  • garden, sanctuary, retreat, wood, forest, waterway, swamp, bayou,
  • mountain, hill, canyon, cliff, bluff,
  • market, bazaar, fete, gathering, congregation,
  • festival, celebration, performance, ritual, rite, activity,
  • archaeological discoveries, ancient city unearthed,

Wondrous Descriptions

  • wondrous (duh?), magnificent, awesome, super,
  • colossal, monumental, impressive,
  • huge, massive, gigantic, monstrous, gargantuan, titanic, towering,
  • carved, etched, gilt,
  • preserved, protected, saved, cherished, enshrined, respected,
  • sacred, honoured, blessed, holy, revered,
  • ancient, archaic, old, venerable, classic,
  • rebuilt, refurbished, cleaned, repaired, fixed, restored, resurrected, reconstructed, shored up, strengthened, reinforced,

Stuff at Wondrous Locations

  • steps, ramps, riser, dias, platform,
  • fence, barricade, barrier,
  • path, walkway, arcade, collonade, entry,
  • interpretive centre, museum, archive, display,
  • ancient scroll, writing, glyphs, hieroglyphs, wards, signs, sigils, logos, script, inscription, code, cypher,
  • stone, marble, granite, gold,
  • gilding, embossing, designs, pattern, motif,

Characters at Wondrous Locales

  • curator, historian, librarian, sage, archaeologist, paleontologist,
  • elder, ancient one, veteran,
  • ghost, poltergeist,
  • drifter, wanderer, adventurer, explorer,
  • bard, lore keeper, storyteller, busker, performer,
  • investor, financier,
  • private eye, investigator, detective,
  • cultist, warlock, sorceress, priest, druid, wiccan, shaman, holy one, witch,
  • eagle, buzzard, raven, animal of prophecy or omen (good or ill),
  • impressive animals: giant white stag, bear, eagle,
  • security, guard, sentinel, officer, protector,
  • caretaker, janitor, custodian, maid, window cleaner, polisher,
  • celebrity, model, famous singer shooting a video, painter,
  • amateur artist, folk singer, juggler, clown,
  • leper,


  • thanks, Jean, for the page idea!