Torch Bearer

Nothing beats an unlikely hero. Why not take a torch bearer on your next adventure? See what tricks they might have up their sleeves… or in their flames. They may light the way figuratively as well as literally.

First Impression

The torch bearer is in a unique position as an ‘assumed’ non-combatant with a front-row seat to all the major action. On an adventure, the torch bearer may be on point in most marching orders, lighting the way, so to speak. How they face this responsibility is up to you. Here’s a menu of possible descriptors:

  • humble, servile, subservient, obsequious, helpful, kind, obedient, trustworthy
  • thoughtful, wise, smart, insightful, clever
  • cool, collected, unflappable, enduring,
  • witty, sharp-tongued, quick,
  • sly, sneaky,
  • bold, loud, obnoxious,
  • athletic, lithe, dexterous, quick, agile, naturally talented,
  • unassuming, quiet, reserved, aloof, laid-back, laissez-faire,
  • nervous, jittery, timid, tense, weepy, whiny,
  • brave, courageous, adventurous, bold, impulsive, assertive, aggressive, or just-plain-nuts!
  • does the torch bearer have a military rank? Check it out here.


  • military, processions, triumphs, battles,
  • fairs, parades, festivals, caravans
  • in dungeons with adventurers, (check out the underground world here)
  • dark streets, guard posts, outposts,
  • escorts, caravans, entourages, parties, sorties, posses, lynch mobs,
  • on walks, trails, roads, paths, bridges,
  • accompanying heralds, courtesans, nobles, lords & ladies, the Queen herself,
  • with a band of brigands, thieves, highway robbers,
  • enslaved, imprisoned, pressed into service
  • holy orders, churches, missions, cathedrals, choirs, sanctuaries, ritual grounds, burial sites,


The torch bearer would not rank very high in any military or societal caste system; therefore, they would not have a lot of stuff and definitely nothing of great value… unless you backstory it otherwise 🙂 Here are some things they may have:

  • a TORCH, of course, or several, of varying designs (you could make some magical, or imbued with alchemical properties)
  • dagger, short sword, throwing daggers, hatchet, great grandfathers bastard sword (check here for more sword and dagger stuff or here for various weapons)
  • back pack, bag, sack, pouches, saddlebags,
  • flint & steel, oil, matches, dwarf-crafted lighter,
  • quilted, padded armour or clothing, coat, surcoat, tabbard, vestments,
  • trinkets and bits in pockets: feathers, beads, marbles, pebbled, dried beans, a gourd, tiny carved idol, glyphs, a ring, snail shells, chocolate, piccolo, needle and thread, (torch bearers like to pick this kind of stuff up along their travels)
  • carries a concealed black powder hand gun (if you want to go steampunk… just backstory it!)


  • working with fire, flame, heat, light, lanterns, lamps, torches, cooking fires
  • carrying toting, carting, hauling
  • may dabble in magic, cast a few spells, draw on holy power
  • in combat:
    • run and hide, stay in the back, avoid trouble
    • perform a wild flurry of blows with two lit torches
    • engage in melee with a side weapon – short sword, dagger
    • setting things on fire, arson,
    • throwing oil bombs, dynamite, gun powder
  • when adventuring:
    • watching, learning, observing
    • advising, commenting, suggesting,
    • fixing torches, rebuilding, repairing,
    • foraging, searching,
    • carrying, hauling, toting, carting, pulling,
  • between adventures:
    • studying, training, practicing, preparing (in a quiet, secretive manner, whatever super skills they have)
    • building torches, experimenting, preparing, fixing, buying torches,


  • The hidden talents of the torch bearer could be a lot of fun.
    • Perhaps they dabble in magic, cast a few spells, have sorcerer blood passed down the line (or necromancer or pyromancer or…). Their magic could revolve around fire and flame… or go off the ironic deep end and have them cast cold and frost spells (just work it into the back story)
    • The torch bearer could have skills as an alchemist working with “properties” of fire, flame, ignition, explosion, combustion, spark, and so on. What special torches, oils, and concoctions could they have?
    • Maybe a lycanthrope, shapeshifter, doppelganger, chameleon, astral traveller of sorts. What can they turn into or what powers come out when enraged, or at night, or at will?
    • Could be a talented pick pocket, thief, burglar, sneak
    • Psionic or mind powers: telepathy, telekinetics, pyrokenesis, levitation, teleportation
    • Could have outstanding sleuth skills, perceptions, sixth sense, intuition, IQ
    • May have some innate talent fighting with a blade, besides being wicked good with a flaming club in a fight.
    • May have some mutated superpower like: flight or x-ray vision or stretchy arms


  • Could be a lord or lady slumming it as a torch bearer.
  • Ex-military archer, so super talented with a bow when given an opportunity to prove it (reluctantly of course)
  • Raised by a long line of servants with a strong sense of duty, yet conflicted by the yearning for adventure and excitement.
  • Became a torch bearer out of necessity to feed the fam, but may discover that fate has bigger ideas for them.
  • Slave to an unruly band of cruel orcs. Escaped and has a burning rage of vengeance welling up inside.
  • Became a torch bearer because they’re a pyromaniac (likes to set things on fire).

Tips for running this character in a Cre8opedia Adventure

  • Like any other avatar, give this character three starting favor dice that apply to cool skills like these…
    • combat skills with a small, humble weapon (to start); with torches as weapons; flame and oil as weapons/bombs;
    • some form of cool, hidden magic,
    • divine blessing so they have some god-granted spell like powers: healing, channeling elements, summoning allies, protection magic,
    • lycanthropic shifts when enraged