
Many wizards have been invented, explored, and written into narratives through the ages. So varied and layered, the wizard continues to be rediscovered and celebrated. How will your wizard work?

There are more ideas here than one wizard can use, so pick and choose and mix in all kinds of ideas of your own. Remember, Cre8opedia is non-prescriptive so take what you want, as much as you want, or nothing at all if a better idea comes to mind! We are here to serve you, friends!

First Impressions

  • character species (wizards are clever and crafty so any species with smarts and good study habits could wizard-up!):
    • human, elf, woodkind, ancient one, mountain dwarf, gnome, faerie, brownie,
    • lizardfolk (there are some very old alligators out there), tortoiseblood,
    • owlborn (you know they’re wise), eaglemen,
  • old, aged, venerable, ancient, elderly, advanced, grey,  (wizards may require many years of study), learned, well-studied, well-versed, deeply experienced, schooled, professorial,
    • perhaps so old they are in fact timeless, ageless, immortal, endless, infinite,
    • old as stone, earth, the trees (in an old forest of course), the wide river (give it a name), time, the stars,
    • perhaps the wizard may be considered obsolete,
  • worn, shaky, thin, wrinkled, drawn,
    • or: portly, rotund, round, curvaceous, rolly-polly, stout, well-fed, round-bellied, pot-bellied,
  • bearded, long haired, bushy moustache, bushy eyebrows,
    • bald with muttonchop sideburns
    • long braided goatee, bearded woven into design,
  • long fingernails, yellow teeth (smoking and coffee),
    • twinkle in the eye: burning, yearning, intensity, excitement, lust, passion,
  • cloaked, robed, hooded,
    • at any rate, it’ll be some clothes with many folds and pockets to store the wizard’s many things
  • smoking pipe to help with thinking,
    • various “weeds” may allow for greater wizard power as in: ESP, astral travel, telekinetic powers, connection to magical forces or power sources,
  • ponderous, thoughtful, troubled, concerned, bearing the weight of the world,
    • your wizard could play the fool, buffoon, nincompoop, idiot as a ploy/deception,
  • weird, quirky, eclectic, busy, distracted, calculating, figuring, fussing,
  • could be disguised or in a magical form as:
    • cat, owl, bird, fish (in a bowl?), troll, monkey, hideous beast, bear, wolf, lizard, pig, chicken, spider,
    • lovely lady, knight, beggar, leper, town artisan, merchant,
    • another character species
    • book, chest, table, chair, candlestick, globe, lamp, puzzle box, spider web, rabbit turds, painting on the wall,


Wizards may be anywhere, but here are some places you could have wizards for sure!

  • wizardish institution, training facility, cloister, library, archives, basement of a museum, council of wizards, school, university,
  • wandering on lonely roads, sitting by a waterfall, waiting out a storm in a mountain cave,
  • sanctuary, retreat, monastery, hermit hovel
  • town fair, market, festival, celebration,
  • shops: emporium, bazaar, herbalists, alchemists, general store, curio shop,
  • freakshow, circus,
  • castle, graveyard, temple, shrine,
  • Wizard City!


  • pointy hat, robe, cloak, hood,
    • lots of pockets, pouches, and folds for spell components, potions, trinkets, gems, idols, odds and ends,
  • staff, wand, cane, baton, stick, leather wrapped pole, broom, sickle, pole arm, spear, (for a more weapony version of the wizard, check out the Battle Wizard post)
  • spell book, scrolls, parchment with ink and pen, journal, maps, chalk and slate for quick calculations, star chart, book of prophecy, ledger,
  • spell components
  • tobacco pouch,
    • various herbs, flowers, barks, weeds, tobaccos, and so on that may have a variety of effects and powers,
  • smoking pipe or two in various lengths, styles, forms
    • double bowl, triple bowl, long-stem, short-stem, curved, “travel” size,
  • object of power: orb, crystal ball, bag of marbles, ring, crown, amulet, talisman, idol,
  • deck of canasta cards, jacks, chess set, tiddly winks,
  • runes, bones, animal parts on leather thong or pickled in a jar,
  • cool tools,
    • binoculars, telescope, magnifying glass,
    • abacus, slide rule, gnome calculator, weights and scales,
    • globe, compass,
    • burner, tiny oil stove, Insta-brazier! a new Wizard’s-R-Us product!
  • pots, pans, bowls, plates,
  • spice jars, tiny nesting boxes,
  • wizard’s cabinet or wizard’s travel case
    • has lots of little drawers and doors to hold all the necessary equipment of the wizard’s craft
  • familiar, pet, animal friend, sidekick,
  • cart and horse, wagon with buffalo, trailer, pushcart, trolley, wheelbarrow, street hotdog vendor stand,


  • consumed with methodology, science, study, practice, praxis, formula, preparation, procedure, technique, manner, theory, custom
  • gesticulating, dancing, casting, contorting, gesturing, motioning, waving,
  • chanting, mumbling, yelling, calling, bellering,
  • summoning, charming, enchanting, invoking, calling, prestidigitating, commanding, conjuring,
  • digging through robes, bags
  • reading scrolls, drinking potions, wiedling wands, fingering beads, laying out cards, arranging coins
  • reading spell book, writing notes, scrawling script,
  • see Magical Activity for more ideas


  • groomed to be a wizard from childhood
  • cheated to get into wizard school
  • comes from long line of wizards
  • found as a toddler and raised by a wizard; has strange flashbacks about parents and earlier life
  • it came naturally… just needed some guidance (possibly from a mentor with nefarious plans… or some other mad twist)
  • made a deal with a demon/devil to get magic powers… yep… that’ll definitely go bad for you
  • hard work and diligent study, of course.
  • reading, reading, reading, sleeping in a library, reading…
  • lack of social life; therefore, lack of social skills
  • found a cool orb one day… next day, magical powers began to emerge… surely there’s a trade off somewhere in the future
  • a voice spoke to me one day…
  • my grandmother taught me these wizardly ways (I don’t really know that much about my grandmother’s story… yet)
  • aliens
  • chosen by the village elders to follow the Path of the Magi


  • Spells are the bread and butter of the wizard. Wizards get their spells all sorts of ways, so determine and detail your wizard’s modus operandi. Use the stuff, actions, and backstory to help with ideas.
  • A lot of wizards smoke… sorry, kids. Smoking helps them think and wonder. Many will have a favourite pipe while others may have a mad assortment of styles in a vast collection. The types of tobacco packing varies as herbs, flowers, buds, leaves, barks, shavings, and so on all have different effects.


  • a teleporting wizard can come in and out of a story, wreaking havoc or altering the course of an adventure… the question is “why?”
  • a wizard needs to find his familiar (magical pet) who was magically whisked away by an enemy (good adventure set up!)
  • there is rumour of a lone, “mad as the devil” wizard who has passed away and their home (hovel, tower, dungeon, hovel) is ripe for adventuring.