
The alchemist is a wiz with the properties of all things plant, animal, or mineral, manipulating and mixing them to tap into their unique powers and effects. Some alchemists are hardcore scientists while others invoke otherworldly powers. Mix it up with an alchemist!

 First Impressions

  • wily, clever, learned, sagacious, wise, professorial, pedantic,
  • old, venerable, crooked, twisted, serious,
  • jovial, energetic, youthful, spirited, happy
  • muttering, puttering, doddering, shuffling, stuttering,
  • clumsy, goofy, absent-minded,  aloof,
  • gnome, elf, human, halfling, dwarf, goblin (nasty kind of alchemist)
  • calculating, thinking, wondering, pondering,
  • nasty, suspicious, paranoid, crotchety, grouchy,
  • smelly, oderous, unkempt, disheveled (from hours of calculation and concocting),
  • bitter, resentful, angry, jealous, murderous,
  • insane, off-his-rocker, mad (you know, from all the fumes)
  • ambitious, driven, single-minded,


  • robe with lots of pockets, cloak of secret folds,
  • belt of vials, bags, sacks,
  • goggles, leather cap, rubber gloves, protective apron, welding mask, gas mask, hazmat suit,
  • tinder box, small gas burner, propane torch, burning dung, microwave oven, electric hotplate, clay oven, furnace, smelter, kerosene lamp,
  • knives, scoops, spoons, scissors, pliers, forceps, saw (for some unknown reason), syringe, mortar & pestle, blender, whisk,
  • elastic bands, baggies, twist ties, clips,
  • emergency medical kit, fire blanket,
  • rags, paper towels, cloth strips, sponges, wipes, mop, broom,
  • dust bin, garbage, biohazard waste disposal,
  • pickled eggs, hard cheese, jerked beef, (lots of preserves to get through the hours in the lab, of course), dried bread, dried apricots, prunes… and a moldy melon.
  • short sword, hand crossbow, blunderbuss, gun powder, dagger, butter knife, cane sword, sling shot, sling, incendiary devices (for example… petroleum + spark),
  • cane, staff, wand, mace, scepter, walking stick,
  • vials, flasks, beakers, bulbs, tubes, coils, bottles, spigots, spouts, colanders, strainers, funnels, straw, aerator, bottle opener, can opener, cheese cloth,
  • measuring scoops, weigh scale,
  • still, vat, mash tun, pressure cooker, tub, washback,
  • grain mill, chopping board and cleaver, paring knife, spoon,
  • Alchemist’s travel case, trunk,  travel pack, wagon, cart,
  • grinder, mortar & pestle,
  • herbs, plants, bark, leaves, roots, berries, stems, stamen, pollen,
  • ooze, goop, slime, oil, grease, pus, excretions, albumen,
  • animal parts, nostril hairs, fingernails, bone, blood, organs, eyeballs, teeth,
  • stone, rock, particles, dust, oxides, silicates, carbon, rust, elements,
  • potions, elixirs, concoctions, creams, salves, ointments,
  • doodles, scribbles, formulae, compositions,
  • “pet” rats, mice, monkeys, turkey, ferret, Sasquatch, fire elemental demon,
    • cages for all of the above… or jars of formaldehyde or other wonderful pickling solution
  • poisons, deadly powders, topical solutions, aerosol vapors,
  • cosmetics, hair care products, makeup,


  • laboratories, schools, institutions, research facilities, apothecaries, pharmacies, hospitals, asylums, universities, colleges,
  • prison, jail, holding facilities, remand centres,
  • homeless shelters, sanitoriums, hostels,
  • brothels, taverns, pubs,
  • presentations, conventions, meetings, councils, halls,
  • temples, sanctuaries, cults, retreats,
  • markets, shops, stalls,
  • healer’s, doctor’s, veterinarian’s,
  • backrooms, blackmarket, the underground,
  • on quests, journeys, adventures,
  • secluded in towers, dungeons, secret labs,


  • calculating, thinking, wondering, pondering, philosophizing
  • mixing, pouring, boiling, siphoning, concocting, bottling,
  • snorting, drinking, injecting, smoking,
  • cavorting, dancing, singing, chortling,
  • writing, sketching, doodling, formulating, working-it-out,
  • scratching, picking, itching, twitching, mumbling,
  • begging, looking-for-handouts,
  • selling, hawking, offering, trading, bartering, dealing,
  • pick from the list or roll 3d6 for a random demeanor:
    • 16-18 generous, giving, sharing
    • 12-15 welcoming, inviting, understanding,
    • 10-11 cautious, aloof, non-commital, hesitant
    • 6-9 warning, cautioning criticizing
    • 3-5 angry, defiant, violent, aggressive, threatening


  • an alchemist who wears a funnel for a cap invites you to try his “Travelling Drink,” a curious concoction that will teleport you “somewhere wonderful!” Or so he says.
  • Uncle Bob’s Wonder Elixir really makes you wonder; in other words, you never know what it’s going to do when you drink it… so why not give it a try!
  • legend has it (doesn’t it always?) that a crazy old alchemist has discovered the secret of turning lead into gold… somewhere… if only you could find them; adventure awaits!
  • that vile enemy of yours has gone too far, so you consult an alchemist for a vengeful concoction of dire consequence; the question is, can you bring yourself to actually do it, and what will actually happen if you do? (great moral dilemma and possible horror genre outcomes with rampant vengeance haunting… awesome!!!)
  • try a story with a young alchemist in training and imagine the hijinks… until they are tasked with saving the world (or village, or loved one, etc.)
  • a great alchemist must be protected from assassins
  • your alchemist character accidentally poisons a king and must flee for their life… best of luck!
  • an evil king has locked an alchemist of great repute in a tower to create a “weapon of mass destruction”
  • a sick dragon needs the healing of an alchemist
  • hatred has gripped the land and only a special potion can stem the growth of the plague that is causing it
  • a wicked queen seeks a hero to bring her a salve of eternal youth in exchange for great riches… you have nothing better to do, so why not?
  • a laughing fit has befallen your loved one, driving them to madness… it is a curse put on them by Wedgie the Malevolent, a travelling alchemist who must be found and brought to justice!