
Looking for a story idea? Need a twist or turn somewhere in the middle? Want to ratchet up the tension? Cre8opedia is here to help writers out…

You can use the menus on this site to get a bazillion trigger ideas for your stories whether you’re at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a project. Take a look at the directory below for numerous ways to liven up and enjoy your creative journey. Please add some of your own ideas to the comments on various pages to help out other writers or contact us at editor@cre8opedia.com if you need some specific support. Have fun!

Navigation Note: Each of the links below opens in a new tab so you can keep this page open as a home base.

How you can use cre8opedia.com for your writing:

  • Need some characters? Look at the overall character menu or delve into specifics for character types, even different species, or monsters. Lots of ideas here for your main characters and any secondary and supporting characters.  You can dig into some specifics for physical descriptions, emotional traits, personalities, idiosyncrasies, skills, backstory, relationships, and so on. Give your characters some stuff to fill their lives.
  • Not sure what genre to write in or want to see some ideas for your genre? Go to the genres menu to see a wide range of possibilities. Or check out the Horror, Sci-Fi, Western, or Fantasy Genre pages for plenty of specifics.
  • Need a story concept or driver. Look at the many overarching concept ideas we have in the concepts menus. Need a plot concept, a thematic concept, or a conflict to spark up your tale? Maybe your story involves underlying forces at a constant tug-o-war.
  • Check out the overarching story ideas in the meta-narrative menus we’ve got for you! Here, you’ll find ideas for creating suspense, creating a fear vibe, or stretching some plot line ideas.
  • You can find all kinds of ideas for environments to plunk your characters in by cruising through the many menus in the settings section. See what you can do with a waterfall or explore the sci-fi possibilities of planets.
  • Need some things to fill up your environments? Go to the ever-growing stuff section. The stuff menus list all kinds of things to paint the details of your scenes. Here you’ll find clothes, vehicles, weapons, and even some very specific posts like stuff in a hockey bag.
  • Need something else? Do you have a menu you’d like to see or a question about writing that we could address in a blog post or in our Meta section? Please send us an email at editor@cre8opedia.com.

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