Battle Wizard

No wimpy spellcaster here. This dude (or dudette) can fire a spell in your face when you’re in your backswing. Then, while you try to recover they smash you with their mace. Boom!

First Impression

The battle wizard can take many forms, from the quick, bold, and active to the reserved, measured, and meek. The first impression can be obvious or ironic… present it how you feel it!

  • quick, swift, clever, crisp, agile, dexterous, cobra-like,
  • wise, insightful, measured, calculating,
  • formidable, imposing
  • meek, quiet, reserved, soft,
  • robed or armored, cloaked, stripped to a loin cloth and bone necklace,
  • colorful or camouflaged, or bland and plain, disguised, covered, hooded,


The battle wizard is equipped out of necessity, not overburdened, so they may perform their magic and maneuvers unimpeded. They can have anything, but here’s a cool menu of ideas to pick from. If your battle wizard has lots of stuff, make sure he has a donkey, squire, or a lackey to carry it all so he can do battle.

  • spellbook, scrolls, potions, rune stones, magic beads, arcane power symbol, staff, wand, ring, orb, sceptre, amulet, horn, helm, crown, enchanted weapon,
  • robe, cloak, leather jerkin, doeskin breeches, poofy pantaloons, bracers, greaves, mail skirt, mail shirt, hauberk, mail coif, breastplate, gauntlets, leather gloves, light elf splintmail, cuirboilli, quilted armor, brigandine,
    • may or may not have fancy designs as some wizards are more flamboyant and others more subtle about their craft
  • lots of pockets or belt pouches for magical components for spell study and preparation:
    • iron, black powder, blood, eagle feathers, chalk, soot, charcoal, bottled ogre fart (homeopathic tincture), resin, beeswax, dead hornets, cat gut sinew, ork teeth, looped wire, eyeballs, rhino testicle, dried corn cob, Aunt Mary’s special sauce (family recipe), snake skin, donkey tail hairs (known colloquially as “ass of the ass” in certain wizard circles), candles of course, flint and steel, barnacles (for naval battles), and a lollipop (not for magic; they just taste good)
  • pen, ink, paper, travel books, tiny fold out (or magical) writing desk,
  • sword, axe, mace, flail, dagger, bow, crossbow, spear, staff, trident, hammer, pick,
  • lute, lyre, flute, drum, rattle, bell, battle standard, flag,
  • tent, bed roll, adventuring rations, flint and steel (if no simple fire magic is known),
  • modest bag of coin, belt pouch of endless coin (magical conjuring item),
  • may have a walking stick or staff with a hidden blade, or the staff could transform into different weapons as a magical spell;


  • in battle
    • wielding weapon, fighting, dueling, battling, feinting, dodging,
    • conjuring, invoking, casting, summoning, surging,
  • on an adventure:
    • healing, powering up, preparing, resting,
    • writing and recording, practicing, fine tuning spells and moves,
  • when not adventuring:
    • thinking, ruminating, wondering, planning, plotting, scheming, prognosticating, politicking, debating, pondering,
    • eating, sleeping, cleaning weapons, and other mundane activities
    • reading, studying, training, writing, learning, seeking wisdom of elders
    • writing, composing, formulating,
    • performing routine magic for modest fees, street performing (busking), looking for odd jobs, working as a common artisan (baker, brewer, cobbler) undercover,


  • Like most wizardly types, battle wizards are typically found in academic institutions, schools, universities, hanging out with other wizards and academics so they can banter about high level stuff like politics, ethics of magic, calculations of efficiency, and general arcane engineering.
  • Other places for battle wizards often include:
    • training facilities, practice grounds, military parade grounds, martial arts dojos,
    • bars, brothels, taverns, gambling houses, casinos,
    • festivals, fairs, markets,
    • on battle grounds, in military deployments, leading a legion as an officer, or with the HQ of a company, recon units, strike teams, manning siege weaponry, scouting
  • Some may be recluses:
    • monasteries, guild halls, secret society hide outs, dark alleys, secluded woodland retreats,
    • wandering alone along back roads, sitting by creeks and rivers, in tree forts, in hovels and hermitages, in hard to reach caves
    • working simple jobs as stage hands in a carnival, ostlers, field workers, cowhands, anything “behind the scenes” or “seen but unseen.”


  • get super creative with your fusion battle wizard:
    • could be a knight with spell casting abilities (more battle than wizard) or a wizard who’s really deadly with his staff (more wizard than battle).
    • could be a “jumper,” able to teleport short distances to flank opponents quickly
    • maybe they can throw or animate their weapon, like a boomerang, allowing them to do ranged attacks with a warhammer that will magically return to them.

For Cre8AG

  • For the Cre8opedia Adventure Game, give your starting Battle Wizard training (favor) in a weapon and a spell or two. As they gain experience you can add spells or weapons.
  • Battle wizards can be very creatively detailed which makes them a fun avatar to play. Use some of these ideas to flesh out and focus your character:
    • your battle wizard has an arch nemesis that continually shows up… and is a little more powerful
    • your battle wizard’s power is tied to a magic weapon they wield
    • your battle wizard is a Defender, dedicated to evasive and defensive moves and magic including spells that protect others
    • your battle wizard opts for powerful hand to hand combat over weapon combat
    • your battle wizard is an expert with improvised fighting, using objects around them, as well as telekinetic power to attack and defend
    • your battle wizard has a steed or animal companion that is integral to their magic and combat style (giant eagle, swarm of mice, wolf, jaguar)
    • your battle wizard is a summoner, able to call forth a number of different animals, beasts, undead, constructs, insects, angels, demons, etc. to battle for them
    • your battle wizard is bound by strict rules of their order; in exchange for this burden of duty and responsibility they are granted additional training and spells
    • your battle wizard has a deep hatred for an evil creature species… develop that backstory however you wish (and give yourself favor against that type of creature)