Burglar – a sneaky character for your writing and roleplaying games

In the shadows or the dark of night, the burglar plies their trade. With what treasures will they sneak away? 

As a protagonist, the burglar provides adventure and possibility. For example, they could find something mysterious — a map or a key — during a heist that sets up a chain of events for your story. Similarly, they could break into the wrong house and wind up in a world of trouble as the unexpected unfolds.

Conversely, as an antagonist or non-player character in roleplay, the burglar offers a confounding obstacle. For instance, they could pilfer a meaningful object from the protagonist as a form of blackmail or just to kick off an incredible chase scene. Or as a side character, they could be a pickpocket with a habit of getting the protagonist in trouble at the most inopportune times.

In this post, we’ve looked at the burglar from a number of angles and brainstormed a range of related content that we hope you find intriguing and useful. Enjoy!

Writing Prompts and Storylines for Burglars

  • A burglar takes a gem that has some strange magical qualities, landing them in deep trouble
  • Something is stolen from the characters in a narrative, creating a lasting nemesis in a burglar.

Burglar descriptions and attributes

  • being small or slight might help out a sneaky burglar; other descriptors include lean, lithe, light
  • on the other hand, it may be useful for a burglar to be tough or tanked and muscular, depending on the type of “jobs” they do
  • tricky, sneaky, devious, coy, crafty, clever, deceptive,
  • loner, aloof, disenfranchised, cast out,
  • underprivileged, poor, broke, cash-strapped,
  • rough, rugged, tough, resilient,
  • street-wise, saavy,
  • charming, charismatic, engaged,
  • your burglar in a fantasy setting could be of another species: goblin, kobold, brownie, gremlin, hobbit, gnome, dwarf, elf,
  • burglars could have some type of vice, such as: phobia, addiction, idiosyncrasy, habit,

Stuff burglars might use

  • lock picks, master keys, pins, picks, awls, pliers, cutters, needles,
  • dagger, short sword, sap, brass knuckles, knuckle dusters, darts, blowgun, shuriken, throwing knives, stiletto, nunchuks, bola, caltrops, knife, hidden blade, baton, sling and stones, garrote wire,
  • poison, elixirs, contact poisons, oil,
  • rope, hook, wire, string, grappling hook,
  • snare, trap, trip wire,
  • Magic Stuff:
    • potion of invisibility, robe of shadows, ring of protection, sleep dust, secret door powder, flying carpet, boots of speed,


Burglars will try most anything to make a score and get rich. We brainstormed a few good words here that may give you some options to try with your character.

  • sneak, slither, slide, slip,
  • steal, lift, take, pilfer, nick, rob, take, palm, shoplift,
  • climb, balance, freeze, crouch, crawl, hide,
  • fight, attack, disarm
  • threaten, cajole, goad, impose,
  • disguise, trick, fool, mimic, swindle,
  • charm, impress, negotiate, befriend,

Settings and Environments for Burglars

  • thieves dens, secret societies, pickpockets hideouts, guild of burglars
  • alleys, dark lanes, snickets, back lane,
  • dungeons, treasuries, castles,
  • caves, caverns, tunnels, sewers, culverts,
  • inn, tavern, pub, diner,
  • festival, fair, rally, coronation, celebration, gatherings, anywhere with crowds,
  • fences, walls,
  • under bridges
  • they love to rob places such as: banks, mansions, yachts, stage coaches, parties, crowds, liquor stores, jewellery shops, museums, temples