Battle Wizard
No wimpy spellcaster here. This dude (or dudette) can fire a spell in your face when you’re in your backswing. Then, while you try to recover they smash you with their mace. Boom!
No wimpy spellcaster here. This dude (or dudette) can fire a spell in your face when you’re in your backswing. Then, while you try to recover they smash you with their mace. Boom!
The Viking warrior is an aggressive, raiding, combat machine waging war with passion and enthusiasm. Their reputation precedes them as they range far and wide, pillaging and conquering for glory and the gods. Odin!
Many wizards have been invented, explored, and written into narratives through the ages. So varied and layered, the wizard continues to be rediscovered and celebrated. How will your wizard work?
A torch is a stick of some kind with one burning end. Sounds simple, yet its impact in a dark tunnel beneath the earth is profound indeed. Did you remember to pack a torch?
The characters have been travelling and stop to relax by a waterfall, enjoying the refreshing mist and the nearby fishing hole. The sun casts its rays on the cascades and in the mist a rainbow awakens. A most magical sight and an omen of good fortune. Or does it hide a nasty secret?
When the sun goes down some just like getting into mischief and general debauchery. Such is the life of the ruffian. Unpredictable and impulsive, self-serving and careless, the ruffian is a great character for chance encounter nonsense. Bully away!
The alchemist is a wiz with the properties of all things plant, animal, or mineral, manipulating and mixing them to tap into their unique powers and effects. Some alchemists are hardcore scientists while others invoke otherworldly powers. Mix it up with an alchemist!