Character Sheet

This page contains character sheets that can help you make simple sense of the complex ideas swirling about your brain as you try to create a character for a story or roleplaying game. Enjoy these easy steps!

The attached PDFs can be printed out and filled in to help you develop characters in your narrative journey. Below is a step-by-step guide to thinking through character development. Links are provided to take you to related cre8opedia pages with tons of ideas for filling out the forms. Bookmark this page for future reference and share with your friends using the share buttons at the bottom of the page. (with notation)

Top Corner

In the top right hand corner of each page is a space for your character name and room for ID notes such as the player’s or writer’s real name, date of creation, adventure name, story name, world name, scenario reference, or any thing else that helps you quickly identify the purpose of the character.


Your character’s name choice can be fun and frivolous, resounding and epic, or symbolic and representative. Use this space to fill out your character name and any meaningful ways they may be identified in your narrative world. Possibilities may include:

  • title, surname, family name, given name, nickname, pet name, code name, secret name, pseudonym, honorary name
  • degrees, accreditation, position, role, rank,
  • heraldry, ancestry, background, family honour,
  • affiliations, teams, parties, clubs, guilds, gangs, 
  • town of origin, star system, galaxy,
  • or any other pertinent ID
  • for more ideas, see the cre8opedia page for Character Names (coming soon)


Your character type is an expression of their essence, their collection of skills and training, the sum of all their parts. They could be a dwarf priest from a forgotten temple, a desperate star-jumping smuggler, or a passionate musician who can cast spells through the evocative sounds of their violin. This can also be the role that the character plays in the story. In RPGs, this is often defined by the character’s class and/or race. Essentially, how would you express the “type” of character you have? Ideas here may include:

  • species, race, background, heritage,
  • education focus, area of study, knowledge base,
  • work, occupation, profession, job,
  • rank, level, role,
  • aptitude, bent, talent, leaning,
  • guild membership, gang affiliation, organizational relationship,
  • story role: bully, brute, thug, mastermind, evil genius, corrupt politician, amiable sidekick, reluctant hero, comic relief, door man,
  • or any other pertinent terms that capture the character’s essence.


In this space, you can describe the key attributes that make your character who they are. This may include physical, emotional, social, or intellectual traits. You may also consider describing their current state of mind or state of being; for example, are they happy or are they burning with jealousy or is there simply an emptiness they don’t know how to fill (good thing to find out in a story). Here are some ideas:

  • physical description, strength, attractiveness,
  • emotional state, level of contentment, quick to anger, burning passions,
  • social attitude, friendliness, relation to people, interpersonal touch, meek, shy, abrasive, assertive,
  • intellectual traits, smarts, wisdom, quick thinking, stunted development, mental acuity,
  • appearance, clean-shaven, scruffy, rough, pretty, well-groomed, clean cut,
  • scars, marks, birthmark, moles,
  • height, weight,
  • body shape,
  • speech style, manners, sayings,
  • dominant characteristics, telling habits,
  • movement, fluid, limp, sure-footed, strong stride, soft step,
  • first impression, lasting impression,

Skills, Talents, and Abilities

Under this heading, you can put down anything that makes your character heroically unique, even in a small way. Whether an inherited talent, a trained skill, a carefully studied knowledge set, or a really cool special ability, your character needs a few things that they can do particularly well. Be sure to jot down a couple secondary, mundane skills as well, because you never know which talent will come in handiest in an adventure! Here are some ideas to think about:

  • job-related skills, knowledge, acquired training,
  • skills or knowledge gained through experience,
  • education in an area, apprenticeships,
  • proficiency, strength, mastery,
  • weapons training,
  • spell casting, magical aptitude, arcane knowledge,
  • natural talents, species-based abilities, gifts,
  • enabling mutations, special powers, divinely granted ability,
  • go to the Skills page to get a wider range of ideas to consider for your story or game character!


Characters are never perfect and this section provides you with space to jot down some ideas about the flaws or challenges of your character. The detective who`s an alcoholic or the champion torn up by unrequited love are both strapped with a useful narrative idiosyncrasy. These things can be mental, social, physical, emotional, spiritual, or whatever makes for a good wrinkle. Have a look at this list for some angles on creating bumps in your smooth character`s life…

  • flaws, imperfections
  • disabilities,
  • obsessions, addictions, compulsions,
  • perversions,
  • failings, failures, losses,
  • weaknesses, curses,
  • quirks, idiosyncrasies,
  • habits, addictions,
  • irritations, nagging things,
  • differences, oddities, strangeness, queerness,
  • drawbacks, challenges,
  • twists, changes,
  • check out the main Idiosyncrasies page for more ideas.


may include living arrangements, daily life details, general relationships, comforts, country (or realm) of residence, usual plane of existence, or whatever a normal day might entail:


may include family, social status, emotional or physical scars, baggage, prophecies, debts, disenfranchisement,  and motivations (you can add new stuff here or use this space to explain or justify any of the above)

Beliefs and Values

May include religion, spirituality, mythology, tradition, belief, conviction, ethics, morals, values, faith, creed, affirmations, philosophy, stance, leaning, bias, or anything else driving this character’s worldview.

Friends and Allies

may include any entourage, compatriots, fellows, buddies, mentors, leaders, coaches, lieges, or companions:

Bitter Enemies

may include monsters, evil foes, nagging bosses, political rivals, long-feuding factions, schoolyard bullies, nasty neighbors, or tyrannical overlords:


may include things you own, carry, possess; could be weapons, money, sentimental items, strange things, powerful icons, tools, gear, armor, spell books, magic items, adventuring aids, or… toiletries:


may include anything you want to scribble while roleplaying, writing, or planning your character. 


If you need more space, that’s a good sign you really love your character! Grab a blank sheet of paper and write! Add, delete, or expand categories to suit your needs.