
Why not take your narrative up a fantasy notch with a character who’s a humanoid? Look at the list below for ways to deviate from us plain old humans, a little… or a lot.

Humanoids Menu

  • elf (elves), eolf, wood elf, forest elf, bark elf (known as a b’elf),  sylvan elf, high elf, gutter elf, valley elf, high elf, low elf, deep elf, dark elf, faerie, faery, fairy,
  • dwarf (dwarves), high dwarf, deep dwarf, mountain dwarf, hill dwarf, crag dwarf, ravine dwarf, cliff dwarf, desert dwarf, woods dwarf (a talented race of extraordinary lumberjacks),
  • gnome, rural gnome, urban gnome, brick gnome, winter gnome, tunnel gnome, trinket gnome, desert gnome,
  • hobbit, halfling, underling, halfer, grounder, hole dweller, toddle-folk,
  • brownie, sprite, pixie, puck,
  • imp, leprechaun, kobold,
  • gremlin, goblin, skratti, bogeymen,
  • faerie, fairy, fey,
  • dryad, nymph,
  • kelpie, water sprite, mermaid, merman,
  • moss people, woodmen, barkskins,
  • cyclops,
  • centaur,
  • faun, satyr, minotaur, deerfolk, elkkin,
  • giant, hill giant, jotunn, hulk, hulker,
  • troll, trow,
  • insectoid, wormkin, butterman (butterfly-human hybrid or a guy who works in a dairy)
  • lycanthrope, werebear, werewolf, wererat, weregoblin,
  • dragonkin, reptilian, lizardman,
  • wolfkin, lionkin, hyena folk,
  • troglodyte,
  • sasquatch, bigfoot,

Creating Humanoids

You can invent your own version of classic humanoids simply by adding an adjective to an existing or classic humanoid. You can see examples in the menu above. Check out the ideas below…

  • add color: blue gnome, green dwarf, crimson elf,  pale sprite,
  • add terrain: dale elf, ridge dwarf, bayou brownie, bay mermaid,
  • add an element: earth pixie, water imp, wind elf, fire gnome,
  • add an epic adjective: lost elves of _________, ancient dwarves, time gnomes,
  • add a feature: bearded elf, hairless gnome, fanged dwarf,
  • create half-human anythings: half-goblin, half-ork, half-elf, half-cyclops (has one and a half eyes?),