Charm Spell

Weak minds succumb more easily than powerful minds… but the charm is worth trying out in trying situations. How deeply can you influence the thoughts and emotions of others?

The charm spell is used to influence the will of others. Magically charming an enemy can make them open to negotiation instead of hostility. Using this spell on a shop keeper can get you some really good deals on merchandise.

Like all spells, charm affects different targets to various degrees so the outcome is always fun to work through in a narrative. using the dice to add a little element of chance can spice up your story with some surprise twists. Charm away!

Charm Menu

  • types of charm:
    • enchant, charm, bedazzle, influence, suggest, command, spark, inspire, mesmerize, control,
    • conscious, unconscious, subconscious, dream-like,
    • superficial, surface, deep, soulful, binding, resonant, complete, shallow,
    • violent, calming, energetic,
    • lasting, brief, enduring, permanent,
    • soft, subtle, gentle,
    • whisper, plain speak, code, hint,
    • shout, command, call, bark,
    • word, chant, poem, muttering, utterance,
    • thought, telepathic, psychic, psionic,

Stuff to Charm with

  • wand, ring, amulet,
  • bead, bean, stone,
  • spit, tears, ichor of the gods,
  • hand shake, salute, wave, flick,
  • holy water, fresh spring rain,
  • rabbit tooth,
  • pill, potion, elixer, dust, sprinkles,
  • donut, cheese, beer, roast beef
  • pig heart, cockatrice eyeball (be careful, please!),
  • mercury, mica powder, copper dust, gold foil, aluminum tinsel, pyrite (fool’s gold),
  • scroll, book, tablet,

Characters who may have Charm

  • spell caster, priest, holy folk, enchanter, mind reader,
  • faerie folk, elves, gnomes, sprites, brownies, nymphs, sylvans,
  • demons, devils, angels, gods, demi-gods,
  • dragons, chimera, hydra,
  • guardians, protectors, holy messangers,
  • a wine merchant, insurance salesman, slick lawyer, charlatan, snake oil salesman, peddler, drug dealer,
  • performer, juggler, snake charmer, gypsy, fortune teller, dancer, singer, celebrity,
  • diplomats, negotiators, advisors,
  • psychologists, psycho-analysts, psychics, psions, psychos,
  • hermits, spinsters, witches, widows,
  • womanizers, players, clubbers, Don Juans, pimps and madams,
  • town matchmaker, yenta,
  • vampires, succubi, harpies, dopplegangers, shapeshifters,


  • faerie woods, sylvan glens and meadows,
  • lonely cabins with hermits,
  • inns, taverns, gambling houses, game rooms, casinos,
  • nightclubs, brothels, meat markets, dating services,
  • psychic shops, fortune teller wagon, fairs, carnivals,

Notes on Charm

  • Someone can be charming, which is all fine and good, but give them a spell-like charm and watch how their suggestive power ramps up your narrative.
  • An object that gives charm powers can be coveted by many… let that help you to spin a tale..
  • Don’t forget about the dark side of the charming ability; what sacrifice or side effect takes place?
  • Charm spells and effects can be hidden in more mundane activities, slight suggestions gently taking hold inconspicuously. Find clever ways of charming targets or “casting a spell”.
  • Some times victims of charming won’t even know what’s happening to them. Just like dragons do, charm can be very entertaining if embedded in subtlety, leaving a target unaware of being charmed at all and, before you know it, eaten by the dragon.

Dice use for Charm

  • 18        Outstanding; you’ve locked up the mind of your target to do your bidding
  • 16-17   Great, you have control of your target for almost any task
  • 14-15   Good… you can implant a strong idea in the mind of your target
  • 12-13   Fair… you may suggest a reasonable course of action to your target
  • 10-11   Iffy… you may have a little bit of influence to alter your target’s ideas
  • 8-9       Poor… doesn’t work but may go unnoticed
  • 6-7       Lousy… doesn’t work and the target of the charm figures out what you’re up to
  • 4-5       Worse… doesn’t work and you may be charmed yourself, stunned, or scatterbrained momentarily. Oops.
  • 3           Disastrous! you’ve switched minds with your target, gone catatonic… or something similarly horrible.


  • A character who is charmed, and is aware of being charmed, may try to willfully resist it. You can roll 3d6 to see how well a character is able to resist a spell in the same way you’d roll to defend a physical attack. Weak minds should get a disfavor die or two when trying to resist; strong willed or experienced characters should get a favor die or two.