
Always there to bail you out when your equipment is on the fritz, the mechanic is one of those cool, laid-back characters that can end up saving the world. What’s broken now?

The mechanic character is a cool primary character or protagonist in sci-fi, steampunk, or pulp fiction. They are tinkerers and engineers able to problem solve and jury-rig devices in clutch situations. As secondary and supporting characters, mechanics can be found in shops in cities, hamlets on lonely stretches of highway, or in outpost moons at the frontier of a galaxy. Your narrative just has to have a mechanic in it!

Mechanic Main Menu

  • engineer, specialist, mechanic, troubleshooter, grease monkey, technician, inspector,
  • repairman, handyman, smith, wright, maker, machinist, wrench man, apprentice, guild master, chief,
  • automotive service advisor, service tech, chief engineer,
  • high-performance specialist, heavy-duty mechanic, controls manager,
  • mech specialist, mech operator, walker tech, mech crafter,
  • steam tech, steam engineer, cogwright, gearmech, mechborg,
  • cybernetics engineer, systems builder,
  • aviation mechanic, helicopter technician,
  • journeyman, artisan, master,
  • tinkerer, fiddler, figurer,
  • rocket scientist,

First Impression

  • strong, tough, hands-on,
  • messy, greasy, grubby, grimy,
  • skilled, knowledgeable, trained, clever
  • lug-head, dim-witted,
  • sneaky, devious, decieptful, corrupt,
  • honest, helpful,
  • slim, trim, fit,
  • rotund, big, beer-bellied, round, portly,
  • muscular, strong, built, stacked, rugged,

Stuff for Mechanics

  • tools, wrenches, sockets, ratchets, drivers, pliers, screw drivers, nut drivers,
  • grease, oil, fuel,
  • metal, machinery, power equipment, generators, winches, hoists,
  • tow trucks,

Environments for Mechanics

  • gas stations, fuel cell facilities, charge stations, energy distributors, petrol stations,
  • diners, greasy-spoons, drive-ins, cafes, dives, bars, pubs, taverns, local watering holes, noodle shops, hotdog stands,
  • repair shops, mechanic shops,
  • salvage ships, salvage operations,
  • outposts, colonies,


  • a mechanic may know a secret way into a building or space station through duct work or access panels
  • an artifact of great power is found and its secrets unknown… but a tinkering mechanic may find a clue to unlocking its intricate design
  • a mechanic meets all kinds of people through the day’s work… what unsavory characters could cross their path?