Catalysts (story starters)

What is the moment a story starts? Which is the thing that initiates change? From where does an adventure begin? Who knows? Maybe one of these will be your answer…

Places that can be catalysts for adventure…

Go to the Starting Places page for some places to start an adventure or look at this sampling for an idea…

  • taxicab, stagecoach, rickshaw, wagon train
  • pub, restaurant, diner, noodle shop, lunch counter, banquet hall, dinner party,
  • birthday party, wedding, funeral,
  • meeting, gathering council,
  • store, shop,
  • cafe, tea shop,
  • tunnel, cellar, sewer,
  • temple, church, sanctuary, cemetery,
  • court, manor, audience hall,
  • ceremony, ritual, rite,
  • garage sale, auction,
  • battlefield, warship, jungle observation post, front line trench,
  • waterfall, fountain, pool, spring, pond, lake,
  • foggy river ferry crossing
  • a new school, a new suburb,
  • moving to a new city, town, village, hamlet, lonely farmhouse, moon outpost, planet,
  • hospital, institution, asylum,
  • safe house, panic room, bunker,

Character Catalysts…

One word from the right character can start an adventure. A challenge, a dying wish, a harsh word, or the giving of a gift could all be enough to change a narrative life. See if any of these characters can inspire an adventure or two…

  • someone on their deathbed,
  • doctor or physician,
  • king, queen, monarch, ruler, dictator, the president,
  • ghost, phantom, spirit, angel, demon,
  • rich dude,
  • hobo, bum, drifter,
  • ancient voices, ancestral spirits,
  • tourist, visitor, traveler, gypsy,
  • fortune teller, oracle, seer,
  • boss, leader, teacher, coach, commander, supervisor,
  • wise old fisherman,
  • a washed up hero, a POW, an old air force pilot, a draftee,
  • ex-con, former assassin, current assassin,
  • wizard, witch, warlock,
  • recruiter, agent,
  • gang enforcer, bookie,
  • video rental clerk, pizza delivery guy, hotdog vendor,
  • father, mother, aunt, uncle, step parent, biological dad,
  • priest, holy man, shaman, cultist,
  • dragon, chimera, wyvern,
  • a funny old lion, a talking teddy bear, a farting dog, a prize pig, a parrot who knows “the code”,
  • clown, buffoon, fool, juggler,
  • scientist, archaeologist, paleontologist, an “expert”,
  • rebel, freedom fighter, patriot,
  • messenger, postal carrier, telegraph operator,
  • merchant, hawker, peddler,
  • alien, strange visitor,
  • madman, lunatic,
  • survivalist, mercenary, anarchist,
  • fantasy ranger, scout,

Stuff catalysts…

  • key, skeleton key,
  • secret door, hidden passage, magic portal, trap door, curious stairway,
  • strange box, bag, suitcase,
  • odd trinket, statuette,
  • letter, note, map, scroll, email,
  • well, hole,
  • a gift,
  • meteorite, alien object,
  • whispered word, last words, stern warning, magic words,
  • gem, jewel, stone, meteorite,
  • a mirror, a window, a reflection in a pool,
  • a skeleton, dead body, corpse,
  • crime scene,
  • artifact, relic, old book,
  • heirloom, locket, handed down picture,
  • code, secret writing, runes, hieroglyphs, symbols in a painting,
  • a promise, an oath, a deed, a will,
  • freedom, hope, desire, a better future,
  • a charm, a spell, an enchantment,
  • a curse, a blight,
  • a sign, a falling star, northern lights, whispering wind, visit from the “night witch”, ominous eclipse, Ouija board,
  • for more “stuff” ideas, check outt: Find Something Strange

Actions that can be catalysts…

  • challenge, dare, test, trial,
  • whisper, confide, tell a secret, trust,
  • infect, disease, corrupt, twist, deform, mutate,
  • watch, witness, see, catch, view,
  • instruct, command, tell,
  • wish, hope,
  • promise, swear an oath, vow,
  • deal, trade, buy, sell, offer,
  • inspect, detect, discover, find, investigate,
  • reveal, uncover, expose, unveil,
  • confront, stand up to, go toe-to-toe,
  • reject, turn away, say no, repel, scoff at,
  • accept, agree, shake on it, sign on the line, make your mark,
  • steal, take, lift, nick,
  • flee, escape, run away, get out,
  • have a dream, daydream, nightmare, vision,

Some random catalysts for your narrative adventuring…

  • while digging up a garden plot in your backyard, you find an odd box buried for who-knows-how-long; dare you open it?
  • a new student arrives at school, but something is strange about them; does anyone else notice it?
  • a much-revered old wise person comes to town in a procession of litters and carts, to chose the next young person to go to the “top of the mountain” to train in an ancient art… will it be you?
  • strange smells of acrid smoke and brimstone have been emanating from a temple in town but the guardians and robed priests are assuring everyone that it is just some renovations — nothing to worry about…. why don’t you and a couple friends sneak in one night and find out for yourself what’s going on?
  • everyday, you walk by that fancy shop on your way to the coal mine and see that beautiful top hat in the window, and you know with that hat, you could look very dandy indeed, like an entrepreneur, and make money selling trinkets or elixirs, eventually working your way up to greater wealth… why wouldn’t you steal it??
  • some dude is selling “magic marbles” at the fair; you have three bucks in your pocket, just enough to buy one… it’s probably a load of garbage, but who knows?
  • you’ve been reading a lot of comic books, but only lately have you looked at the ads in the back; a couple weeks ago you ordered that really cool thing and today, finally, it arrives in the mail in a brown paper wrapping.
  • stories of vampires abound (you grew up on them!), but now you’re sure a real vampire has moved in next door… you and your friends are going to prove it, despite all the likely naysayers.
  • your mother and father sit down to have “the talk” with you; that’s right, they are superheroes, and so are you, supposedly… now, if only you knew what your superpower was…
  • you have watched over the past 16 months as your country has gone mad with fascist nationalism: building walls, increasing military and police power, creating curfews, rules, and laws, and ghettoizing certain “elements” of the population… and today, the police have come for you and your family, apparently tipped off by a vengeful neighbor.
  • you are on a ship or boat and you hear a terrible rending sound; suddenly there is pandemonium as the vessel is going down.
  • you wake up in a hospital with amnesia; some people are telling you they are your family… you don’t recognize them, but they want to quickly, almost desperately, get you out of the hospital.
  • conversation at the dinner party started out amicably, but it has devolved; a challenge has been issued… do you accept?