The thing about a river is that you gotta cross it. Thank goodness for the bridge. But don’t say thanks until you’re across because lots can go wrong on a narrative bridge!

This page is all about bridges in general. Use any ideas that inspire you to write, create, paint, draw, or roleplay. For more specifics, click on some of the links. We add more pages and posts everyday so keep checking back. If there is something in particular you’d like to see added, please email us at To help out other cre8opedia visitors, please add an idea of your own about bridges in the comments below.
Types of Bridges
- suspension, cable, wire, cable-stayed,
- footbridge, walking bridge, pedestrian,
- rope bridge, swinging bridge,
- drawbridge, movable bridge, bascule, retracting bridge, extending bridge, telescoping bridge, lifting bridge, rolling lift, Rall bridge, Chicago bascule,
- toll bridge,
- A-frame monkey bridge,
- plank bridge, simple bridge,
- single beam bridge,
- cantilevered bridge,
- stone bridge, concrete bridge,
- truss,
- clapper bridge, stepping stone bridge,
- beam, deck,
- see-through bridge, glass deck,
- moon bridge, high arch bridge, garden bridge,
- zigzag, curved, circular, spiral,
- diverging, converging, crossroads, nexus,
- viaduct, arch, vault, segmented arch, pointed arch,
- floating, buoyant, buttressed,
- wood, mesh, steel, concrete, stone,
- column, pier, tower,
- also consider: ferry, cable-ferry, gondola, conveyor, ford, shallows, crosswalk, culvert, tunnel,
- plank, log, fallen tree, stepping stones, makeshift bridge,
- dam, causeway, dike, embankment, low water crossing,
- railway bridge,
- trestle bridge, viaduct,
- wildlife bridge, canopy bridge, wildlife crossing, ecoduct,
- double-decker, multilevel,
- flyover, overpass, crossover,
- skyway, catwalk, pedway,
- cantilever bridge,
- city bypass, ringroad,
- a log laying across a chasm, a fallen tree, concrete slab,
- natural rock bridge,
- zipline, single rope, double rope,
- troll bridge, haunted bridge,
- memorial, commemorative, dedicated, honored, centennial, anniversary, protected, historical, monumental,
- force bridge, shield bridge, forcefield bridge, energy bridge,
Bridge Descriptors
- new, shiny, clean, well-kept, updated, rejuvenated, revitalized, given a facelift, refitted, repaired,
- glorious, elegant, elaborate, decorated, adorned, majestic, grand, illustrious, impressive,
- aged, old, rustic, archaic, ancient,
- strong, solid, imposing, massive,
- rickety, slapdash, haphazard, slap together, unreliable, questionable, handyman special,
- forbidden, forbidding, foreboding,
- rusty, ramshackle, reinforced, ribbed, riveted, rotten, ragged, ripped,
- covered, domed, arched, vaulted,
- rotting, decrepit, derelict, worn, neglected,
- quaint, cute, darling,
- rough, coarse, rugged, trapped, rigged, wired, set, trick,
- christened, blessed, holy, cursed, vexed, haunted, evil,
- smells around bridges could include: water, stagnant water, fish, damp, marine; earth, mud; wood, steel, concrete, metal, stone; food, cooking; people, animals, activity; vehicles, exhaust, pollution;
Things Bridges may Span
- river, stream, creek, waterway, canal, spillway, levee, bayou, pond, lake, bay, strait, sea, channel,
- ravine, gully, gulch, ditch, gorge, canyon, fault,
- valley, vale,
- expanse, waste, barren lands, salt flat,
- desert,
- camp, prison, hold, cell, zoo enclosure, tank, pit,
- chasm, canyon, abyss,
- lowland,
- volcano, magma pit, lava flow, river of fire,
- field, plantation, orchard, farm, cropland,
- strip mine, operation,
- marsh, bog, swamp,
- excavation, devastation,
- highway, roadway, street, avenue,
- train tracks, railway, railroad, transit, monorail, the tube,
- slum, ghetto, red light district, projects,
- restricted zone, infected area, cordoned off district,
- downtown, busy district,
- sewer, drainage, gutter,
- notch, gap, saddle, col, depression,
- sports field, grounds, arena,
- combat zone, no man’s land, frontier, edge,
- cemetery, grade yard, sacred ground, burial plot,
- a wee creek,
- waterfall,
Bridge Stuff
- deck, platform, wearing surface, tread,
- bearing points, column, pier, abutment, tower,
- brace, bracket, support, buttress, flying buttress,
- trestle structure, truss,
- girder, joist,
- cantilever, extension, outcropping, overhang,
- rail, guard, guard rail, edge, fence, barrier, suicide barrier,
- superstructure, substructure,
- steel grate, mesh,
- corrugated steel, wooden beam,
- trellis,
- drawbridge, gate, door,
- expansion gaps, strips, rubber,
- materials: wood, steel, mesh, asphalt, concrete, stone, rock, block, mortar, gravel, sandstone, marble, granite, glass, obsidian, cable, rope, glass,
- dumpster, wastebin, ashtray,
- bench,
- monument, statue, clock tower, sculpture, dedication plaque, historical point-of-interest,
- cars, VEHICLES, truck, tractor, cart, trailer, wagon, hovercraft (why would it need a bridge?), train,
- boat, raft, tug, barge, canal boat, see BOATS for more
- buildings, shops, stores, homes, market stalls,
- tower, keep, barbican, castle, gazebo, cupola, dome, turret,
- colonnade, arcade,
- counterweight, ballast, counterbalance, balance,
- trunnion, track, axle,
- off ramp, on ramp,
- gate, barrier, barricade, cordon, chain-link fence, pallisade, wooden fence, wall, shield, forcefield,
- power plant, generator, electrical box,
- lamp, light, torch, magical light, skylight,
Bridge Characters
- toll officer, attendant, bridge keeper, operator,
- guard, sentinel, security, soldier, town watch, city police, posse, mob, lynch mob,
- angler, kids fishing, fishmonger, some dude tying flies,
- emergency services, fire dept, EMT, emergency personnel, superhero, supervillain,
- builders, construction crew, foreman, inspector, monitor, stone mason,
- troll (of course) and some billy goats,
- travelers, adventurers, tourists, explorers, foreigners,
- dignitary, town official, investor, financier,
- marching band, parade, processional, funeral, military parade,
- rebel, infiltrator, resistance party, Uprising force,
- bandit, hold up crew, highwayman, thugs, ruffians,
- MONSTERS, troll, river zombies, band of skeletons, dryad, golem, guardian spirit, celestial messenger, bridge beast (whatever that is??), giant river octopus, giant,
- immigrants, refugees, asylum seeker,
- tour guide,
- lost child, stray dog, abandoned infant,
- suicide jumper, onlookers,
- boater, sculler, captain, press gang, slaver, trader, merchant,
- wizard, fortune teller, magic potion peddler,
- old guy down on his luck,
- someone with: a broken down car, baby stroller, trinkets to sell,
- food vendor selling: noodles, smoked ribs, pho, dango, dried fish, fried fish, grilled kebabs, kvass, baked potatoes, bread, naan, oysters, sea weed, stew, gumbo, shrimp, crawdads, wine,
- gambler, hustler,
- artist, painter, poet, a writer, bard, balladeer, portrait painter, landscape painter, street artist, chalk artist, juggler, street performer,
- clown, two clowns fighting, a gaggle of clowns, zombie clowns,
- shephard with a belligerent flock,
- a retired paladin telling tall tales
Events and Activities at a Bridge
- grand opening, ribbon cutting, reopening, anniversary, centennial,
- festival, market, fireworks, celebration, triumph, coronation, wedding, procession, parade,
- march, protest, mob, riot,
- funeral, wake, memorial, ritual, sacrifice,
- athletic competition, marathon, boat race, regatta, swim meet, road race, chariot race, running of the bulls, speed walking, triathlon, cycling circuit,
- fishing competition, boat races, raft races,
- check stop, police check point, customs office, search and seizure, carding, ID check, paper stamping, bureaucracy,
- construction, repair, resurfacing, upgrading,
- traffic jam, congestion, overcrowding,
- attacking giant river monster,
- terrorist attack, guerrilla raid, sabotage, police incident, security breach, military mobilization, national emergency,
- earthquake, tornado, natural disaster,
- muscle car show, bikers ride,
- street gambling,
Bridge Ideas, Notes, Developments, Prompts
- Bridges are great places for challenges, stand offs, dares, puzzles, riddles, contests. The tension of the contest depends on the desperation characters have to cross the bridge.
- Bridges can be used metaphorically or figuratively as critical points of “crossing over” obstacles and challenges in life. You can tie your abstract idea or theme to an actual bridge in your story making the experience for your reader allegorical.
- An entire city might be built of platforms and bridges, perhaps an entire planet is colonized this way.
- A tree city (city in the canopy) could have some very cool bridges joining the different sectors, wards, or areas.
- Bridges can be solid and permanent or could magically (or scientifically or mechanically) retract, extend, turn, appear, disappear, materialize, fade, telescope, etc.