Simple Story Structure

Story is very simple at the heart. Follow the steps on this post to get writing quickly!

Story doesn’t have to be complicated. Here is the simple cre8opedia way to get writing quickly and easily. You’ll have a ton of fun and can keep cruising through cre8opedia for more ideas as you go…

Basic, simple, easy story structure.

At the core of it, story has these plot elements:

  1. Character starts in normal activity (normal for them).
  2. Something changes or something challenges them.
  3. They deal with it.
  4. They win or lose in the end.

Story also has a concept that runs through it. The concept can be thematic (lessons about humanity and life), plot-based (something needs to git done), or epic (something bigger than all of us is at work).

Story also needs a cool character that people can care about and believe in. I’ve heard the term “sympathetic character” which I think fits really well. A protagonist, or main character, that we can care about.

How Cre8opedia can help…

Using this site, lets’ get you writing in five minutes, eh?

Navigation Note: All links below open in new tabs so you can come back to this page as a home base.
  • First of all, pick a genre you’d like to write in. This is the type of narrative you’ll tell. Think of your favourite movies and books or graphic novels; what genre are they? Sci-fi, Horror, Fantasy?
  • Now, choose a concept. This will be the overall driver of your story.  You can use the concepts general page or go to thematic concepts, plot concepts, conflict concepts, or forces concepts (epic). The concept should be a one-liner that states the objective of the adventure or the overarching challenge to be explored.
  • Next, develop a character to take on the adventure! Characters can be human or you can pick another species, since lots of stories can be told from other perspectives. You can pick some character traits and descriptors and choose a character path, job, role, or occupation to fill them out. If you want, you can even look into your character’s backstory. Sometimes, the easiest story to write is about someone just like you, because you know yourself better than anyone; therefore, your storytelling will ring true and honest.
  • Finally, pick a starting place for your adventure. Choose a catalyst here. The catalyst will be the kick-start to your character’s adventure.
  • Have fun! Get writing. Start by telling how the character’s normal day is going and then throw in the catalyst, change, or challenge. From this point on, you get to live the story through your character, always keeping in mind the overall goal or objective driven by your story concept.
  • Use the many menus on cre8opedia to help keep you going with ideas! Settings, Characters, Actions, and Stuff.
  • Use the dice if you find you can’t make a decision on how things should go. Check out the DICE section for more details.
  • If you feel like you’re getting stuck, check out the post on WRITERS’ BLOCK here.
  • Email if you need a category of ideas brainstormed and we’ll add a page or post that can help you out.