When you come to water, you can swim…. or you can hop aboard a floaty thingy! Check out these ideas for some water adventure!

Types of Ships, Boats, and Water Vessels
- ship, boat, vessel, barge, craft,
- frigate, galleon, clipper, schooner, yacht, man-o-war, warship, shallop, xebec, galley, roundship,
- longship, drakar, knorr, karv
- bark/barque, barkentine, brig, brigantine, barge,
- cutter, cruiser, carrack, caravel,
- sailboat, tender, ketch,
- prison ship, slaver,
- merchant ship, trade ship, freighter, cargo ship, fluyte,
- cabin cruiser,
- catboat,
- funeral barge, corpse ship, ghost ship, haunted ship, caravel of death
- garbage barge, salvage tug,
- tug boat, harbor tug,
- canoe, kayak, birch-bark canoe, reed boat, canvas canoe, Montreal canoe,
- paddle boat,
- gondola, houseboat, budgerow,
- longboat,
- skiff, dinghy, tub, scow, raft, dory, bark, bateau, launch, ketch,
- sloop, yawl,
- catamaran, tri-hull, twin hull
- stern-wheeler, paddle-wheel,
- flat top, barge, raft,
- dredge, mining boat,
- scull, rowboat,
- derelict, hulk,
- power boat, jet boat,
- deck boat, houseboat, pontoon boat,
- bay boat,
- bass boat, fishing boat, drifter, trawler, factory ship, whaler, squid jigger,
- pirogue,
- punt boat, canal boat, river barge, gondola, narrowboat,
- steamship,
- cable ferry, ferryboat,
- runabout, bow rider, ski boat, wakeboard boat, center console, cuddy boat, ship’s tender, walkaround, hydrofoil,
- dugout, canoe, reed boat,
- sampan, parao (paraw),
- research vessel,
- ALSO: airship, dirigible, spaceship, starship
Links and Resources
- here’s a cool page of nautical terms that you may not have thought of… http://see-the-sea.org/nautical/naut-body.htm#G
- great site with pics and descriptions of all kinds of sailing vessels… you’ll love it… http://www.thepirateking.com/ships/ship_types.htm