Writers’ Block
Dear Cre8opedia, I’m stuck. Please help! Sincerely, Dried Up Writer
It’s four in the morning and your craving is like an itch. You wander half asleep through the house, trying to fight it, eventually ending up in the kitchen. The fridge door opens and you reach for the things you cannot live without… whipped cream and pickles.
Nothing gets you out of a pickle quicker than a ray gun. Charge it up, aim it… and hope it works!
What’s really ticking behind all that tick-tocking? The inner workings of the town clock are mysterious indeed… why doesn’t your character investigate?
Just when things are going terribly, you think, “Can this get any worse?” Well… of course it can! Why not get your characters lost for more narrative fun!
When you don’t know what kind of monster you want, why not try a loosely defined blob of ooze! How on earth does a character deal with this mess?
When you hear the clacking of bones accompanied by the deep moan of disturbed death, you should run, for you will soon encounter the singing of sharp steel. Skeleton Warriors come!
A place for tears, remembrance, mourning, quiet thoughts, reminiscing… and for really creepy adventurous narratives!
In your roleplaying adventure or creative writing, when you come to a dead end and all hope seems lost, why not waste your last minutes groping around for a secret door? A good adventure always reveals one… after all, the story must go on.
Slightly bigger than you or I, and definitely nastier, the orc is a common fantasy foe. Able to organize and plot they run amok menacing the good people of narrative worlds. Let’s kill some orcs!