
A torch is a stick of some kind with one burning end. Sounds simple, yet its impact in a dark tunnel beneath the earth is profound indeed. Did you remember to pack a torch?

Stuff about torches

  • stick, rod, staff, wand, pole,
  • bamboo, wood, iron, bronze,
  • coal, kerosene, oil, whale oil, sulfur and lime, tallow, wax, paraffin, beeswax, suet, lard, pitch, lamp oil, alcohol,
  • wick, cloth, linen, cotton, burlap, rope, cord, fiber, hemp, grass, paper, dung, hair, fur, special herbs, materials, elements,
  • soaked, oiled, wrapped, drenched, dunked, permeated, wound, immersed, impregnated,
  • magic light,
  • enchanted torches:
    • “everflame” torches never go out
    • floating torches follow characters around and don’t need to be carried
    • dancing torches can create fear or enchant and charm viewers
    • magical attacking torch can burp fire at an enemy
    • dark torches are evil “anti-light” generators
    • whisper torches act as wards to protect an area and “whisper” messages of warning
    • frost torches provide light but not heat; in fact, they give off a cold aura

Actions with torches

  • carry, hold, place, bear,
  • throw, toss, drop, fumble
  • wave, swing, brandish, fend,
  • attack, whack, hit, thump, strike,
  • defend, protect, fend off, fight off, block, save,
  • light, burn,inflame, ignite,
  • douse, put out, extinguish, kill,
  • dance, perform, show off, juggle,
  • cook, heat, warm up, fend off cold,
  • illuminate, light, reveal,
  • cover, hide, direct (the light), baffle, conceal,
  • evoke, conjure, cast (a spell), enrapture, charm, bless, curse,
  • celebrate, honor, perform a rite or ritual, light a funeral pyre,
  • warn, caution, ward off, dispell,

Environments where torches can be found

  • in dungeons, castles, keeps,
  • at celebrations, parties, funerals
  • can be purchased at markets
  • on ships, on battlements
  • in the hands of torchbearers
  • in sacrificial chambers, at witch burnings, anywhere where rituals or rites are being performed.
  • at night, twilight, dusk, witching hour, dawn,
  • spluttering in the rain, drizzle, fog, mist,
  • SEE light and dark for good ideas on qualities of light

Characters with torches

  • torch salesman (duh)
  • torch bearer, servant, porter, doorman
  • clerics, cult members
  • adventurers, travelers, wanderers
  • smokers
  • people who put out torches:
    • assassins, spies, sneaks, thieves, brigands
    • devils, demons, polgtergeists, Death,
    • undead, vampires, spooks, haunts,
    • (personified) the wind, night, cold, winter, hate, anger, wrath, despair

Developments with torches

  • accidentally set something alight
  • fall and extinguish at inopportune times
  • eventually burn out, run out of fuel
  • get wet and fail to light
  • cause blindness for those who prefer the dark
  • highlight targets, give positions away,