To reap the rewards of a treasure chest, you just have to get past the guardian monster, the magic spell, the lock, the contact poison, the arrow trap, the false bottom, and the demon spirit released who will try to possess you… no problem!
Treasure chests are always fun in story. They can provide characters with loot and magic and cool stuff. They can also house evil, be rigged with a trap, contain mysteries, or be guarded by vile things. I hope you find some ideas on this post to help with your story or roleplaying campaign!
Treasure Chest Writing Prompts

- What might you find in a strange box you pick up at a garage sale, estate sale, church rummage sale, or flea market? If it’s something good… it should turn into something nasty.
- A fabled treasure could be a story starter for your characters to seek. Maybe they hear about it through a dying relative (good old “last words”). Perhaps it has been sung about for hundreds of years by tavern minstrels and no one ever took it seriously… until now.
- Imagine if a treasure chest demanded something in order to open: a favour, a piece of flesh, a loved one, or a sacrifice of some sort. What might your character be willing to do in order to access the riches inside?
- A locked strongbox sits in the corner of the room behind the mahogany desk and around your neck you have the key. You’re worried. This looks too easy…
- What might be inside a treasure chest labeled “box of wishes”? Is it a metaphor or is it truly the answer we have all been seeking?
- How and why would you open a fancy chest labeled DO NOT OPEN? And what evil might lurk inside?
- Inside a treasure chest, you find a partially built robot (or golem or other construct) with instructions to finish it. What happens when you complete the project? Are you going to regret this?
- Imagine a time capsule put together before a massive catastrophe wiped out civilization. A lone survivor or an alien lifeform could find it. What might be in there?
- After rifling through an old trunk at an estate, one character finds there is a false bottom and in there is a key or map or locket or trinket. Where does it lead them?
- Think about your own “treasures”. Sometimes the greatest things that we possess are sentimental rather than monetary in value. How might you use that as a springboard for writing or creating?
- What if you opened a treasure chest and beneath all its contents was a trap door that led to somewhere strange… perhaps a dream world, a tunnel, a secret den, a laboratory, a library of artifacts, an alternate universe, the realm of a strange oracle?
- Imagine you found an ancient treasure chest. Before you opened it, a guardian appeared and said, “If you open it, you must agree to take whatever is inside.” You swear to it in blood. And then, you open the chest…
- A treasure chest has some odd markings on it but you don’t bother to find out what they say before you bust it open. Later, after falling terribly ill, you decide to Google it. Only now, when it’s too late, do you find out what it says…
- You opened the box and saw her lying there. Was she alive? How long had she been in there? You caught your breath as the small creature opened her eyes.
- The old coot had always rambled about his travels and you had never paid attention, but now you wish you had as your hand moved over the tattered journal and the sketch of the treasure box.
- What if you opened a treasure chest to find a person, a humanoid, or a creature in there in some kind of stasis? Are they magically suspended, or is the chest a kind of scientific advancement? Who are they and what do you do when they wake up?
Treasure Chest Descriptions

- chest, box, crate, trunk, bin, case, cabinet, coffer, casket, treasury, keepsake box, jewelry box, music box, wardrobe, steamer trunk, map case, kit, reliquary, carrier, lock box, safe, safe box, strongbox, war chest, repository, bureau, reliquary,
- cabinet, commode, cupboard, chest of drawers, wardrobe,
- small, compact, tiny, wide, long, large, short, thin, tall,
- square, triangular, oblong, round, cylindrical, conical, prism, bulbous, oval, wide-bottomed, top-heavy, twisted, wavy, interlocked, rectangular, sphere,
- magical, has an aura, under a spell,
- locked, unlocked, ajar, closed, sealed, welded, banded, barred, pinned, held, secured, encased,
- broken, crushed, cracked,
- cedar lined, paper lined,
- wax seal, mothballed,
- duct-taped, covered in packing tape, roped up, chained shut, nailed shut, screwed tight, welded closed,
- evidence of burglary attempts, drill holes, hack sawed, sledgehammer marks, abrasions, scratches, scuffed, dented,
- moldy, rotten, rancid,
- oily, greasy, slimy, soaked, water-logged,
- air tight, sealed,
- solid, strong, firm, stout, sound, like-new,
- bolted down, screwed to the wall, strapped,
- banded, beaded, bejeweled, studded,
- leather bound, reinforced, metal clad, shielded,
- metal, iron, steel, bronze, copper, tin,
- wooden, hardwood, oak, mahogany, beech, birch, softwood, pine, spruce,
- rock, stone, concrete, limestone,
- grown over with moss, lichen,
- the chest feels… evil, angry, melancholic, lonely, sad, distressed, ominous, fierce, normal, inviting,
- trapped, rigged, tricked, loaded, cocked, booby-trapped,
- screws, bolts, nails, pins, dovetails, hidden seams, beveled, shaped, carved,
- inlaid, etched, embossed, laminated, polished, varnished,
- unfinished, crafted, masterwork, magnificent,
- rough, old, ancient, artifact, relic,
- sullied, dirty, infected, infectious, noxious, rancid, rotting,
- new, shiny, pretty, clean, pristine, untouched, repaired, refurbished, cleaned,
- ornamental, ornamented, decorated, bejeweled, bedazzled, fancy, rich, ostentatious, royal, emblazoned, crested, celebrated, gilded, silvered, plated, studded, engraved, dovetailed,
- has a lock, a slider, a latch, hinges, bands, strips, bolts, studs, rivets, brads, screws, nails,
- floating, levitating, invisible, translucent, cloaked, hidden, shadowed, dark,
What’s Inside a Treasure Chest?
There could be any number of things in your treasure chest. You can always go with the obvious: gold coins and healing potions, if you’re gaming… but there are many more narrative opportunities. An assortment of items could be housed in there, collected by the owner through the years (like in my garage). Perhaps the contents could be part of a specific kit with a single purpose in mind, stashed by an old alchemist, a cartographer, or a moonshiner.
- astronomy equipment, telescope, constellation map, quadrant, perpetual calendar, binoculars with handle,
- brewer’s equipment, copper tubes, burner, book of formulae,
- captain’s log, journal, diary, sketchbook, records, accounts, maps,
- will, suicide note, desperate plea for help, request, formal proposal, business proposition, written directions for disposal of a body, eloquent final wishes, posthumous award for valor,
- sports equipment, ball, bat, sports trophy, participation ribbons, jousting stats embroidered on linen,
- pair of dice, cards, casino chips, IOU to a mobster, pawn shop slip, game of chance,
- documents, deeds, a will, a little guy named “Will”,
- formulas and liquids, alchemy tools, vials, copper tube, beaker, mortar & pestle,
- drugs, powders, herbs, pastes,
- traveler’s supplies, hardtack, tinder box with flint and steel, sharpening stone,
- healer’s kit, bandages, herbs, ointment, healing stones, mending water,
- sewing tools, needles, thread, buttons, yarn, knitting needles, pins, patterns, fabric crayon, fabric, felt,
- woodworking tools, chisel, hand drill,
- tattoo needles and ink and sketches,
- money, coin, gold, silver,
- gold bar, nuggets, ore, flakes,
- jewelry, necklace, bracelet, ring, nose ring,
- magic stuff, amulet, talisman, orb, crystals, cards, playing cards, tarot cards, arcane writing,
- torture implements, inquisitor’s kit,
- top hat, formal clothes, wedding dress, mothballs,
- ritual material for sacrifice, summoning, communion, baptism, circumcision, prayer,
- spell book, scroll, summoning script, runes, hieroglyphs, calligraphy, chirography, letter,
- hit list, bucket list, ingredients list, formula,
- magic weapon,
- another chest,
- potions, powders, elixirs, drafts, shots, vials, phial, philter, drugs, pills, medicine, concoction, mixture, paste, solution, brew, preparation, tincture,
- tobacco, long wizard pipe, tamper, reamer, pipe bits, leaf, weed, shag, snuff, dip, hookah, cigars, cigarettes, a loosey,
- collection of knickknacks, oddities, tea spoons, thimbles, locks of hair, bobbles, whatnots, string, pins, medals, metals, rocks, stones, bark,
- gears, cogs, axles, clock parts, springs, pins, levers,
- body parts, fingers, eyeballs, hair, scalps, dried ears, tails, scales, bones, skull, pelican skeleton, tortoise shell, giant’s knuckle bone,
- comatose leprechaun, drugged satyr, trapped demon,
- gas, vapour, oozing blob, goo, disease, rot, filth,
- spiders, rabid rats, worms,
- faerie, genie, wishworm, wishing star,
- sea shells, sand dollar, starfish, crab shell, snail shells,
- and for you esoteric types… anger, wrath, greed, avarice, jealousy, pain, anguish, judgement, pestilence,
Characters around or with Treasure Chests
- banker, investor, clergy, leader, politician, financier, bigwig, CEO,
- soldier, guard, sentinel, city watch,
- bandit, thief, highwayman, ruffian, thug, brigand, swindler, crook, fence,
- guardian beast, ogre guard, naga, giant spider, sphinx, cockatrice, snake, giant lizard, stone creature,
- wizard, priest, alchemist,
- adventurer, explorer, relic hunter,
- commoner, farmer, villager,
- the chest itself could be a shapeshifter, doppleganger, imitation dragon, dormant fire elemental beast, witch, sorcerer,
- elite, rich folk, wealthy,
- orcs, goblins, kobolds, gremlins,
- hobo, recluse, hag, troglodyte,
- locksmith, repairman, inspector, appraiser,
- undead, skeleton king, mummy, zombie, ghoul, restless spirit, guardian ghost,
- old fella losing his sanity, delerious hag, slobbering fool, hermit, ogre, troglodyte,
Environments for Treasure Chests
- classic fantasy dungeon, church catacomb, castle vault, keep, tower,
- tomb, pyramid, burial chamber, mausoleum, crypt,
- sale, yard sale, rummage sale, flea market, bazaar, garage sale, pawn shop,
- basement, attic, cellar, pantry, closet, den, cabinet, armoire, wardrobe, under the stairs,
- bomb shelter, hideout, cave retreat, safe house,
- treasury, bank, vault, throne room,
- tunnel, cave, dungeon, burrow, den, lair, underground passage,
- hut, hovel, shack, shanty,
- museum, art house, gallery, historical society,
- bottom of the sea, river, ocean; in a sunken ship, barge, galleon, rowboat,
More Notes and Ideas for Treasure Chests
- Wherever you are in your narrative, you can throw in a treasure chest. At the beginning of a tale a treasure chest could contain a map or a clue, a key or a note that inspires a character to adventure. In the middle of a story, a treasure chest could be part of a puzzle, a clue that moves the story forward, or a trap or trick to confound the characters and compound their problems. And a treasure chest can serve as the ultimate goal of an adventure, its discovery signifying the end of a struggle… and the contents can lead to a sequel, of course. 🙂
- A treasure chest should have a personality or aura that makes it special. Somehow, if this treasure chest is relevant in your narrative, it should be set apart, even if only in its ordinary-ness. Does it exude evil or beg to be opened? How does it draw or repel the characters to it? Who has a particular affinity for it and why?
- Make the opening of the treasure chest a story in itself. What contraption of locks, hinges, gear, magic, science, false plates, latches, sliders, bolts, and knobs make it work?