Viking Warrior

The Viking warrior is an aggressive, raiding, combat machine waging war with passion and enthusiasm. Their reputation precedes them as they range far and wide, pillaging and conquering for glory and the gods. Odin!

  • fighter, warrior, crewman, hearth man (sworn to a lord), mercenary (hired fighter), veteran, shield maiden,
  • marshal, king’s deputy, standard bearer, holy man, tax collector,
  • Some Viking terms for warriors of various ilk: lithsman, hiromenn, gestir, dreng, merkismathr, oegn, stallari,

First Impressions

  • lean and muscled, strong and lithe, powerful
  • long hair, bearded,
  • focused, intent, menacing, threatening, fearless


  • northern climates and environments, fjords, bays, inlets, valleys, bluffs, seasides, forested coasts, beaches, rocky shores,
  • pine, spruce, evergreen, redwood, old growth forest, poplar, willow, juniper,
  • rain, sleet, snow, wet snow, drizzle, coastal temperate weather, dreary, overcast, stormy, sunny, clear,
  • wicked seas, clear oceans,
  • farmstead, estate, hamlet, village, chieftainships,
  • sanctuaries, wooded retreats,
  • saeters, dwelling (sod, turf, peat, wood, timber, thatch, stone), outbuilding, byre, coop, shed, barn, stable, storage cellars or pits or caches, wells, burial sites,
  • grain, barley fields,
  • smelting furnaces, dams, stone fences,


  • weapons may include: hand axe, battle axes, short swords, pole axe, daggers, short bows, spears,
  • round shield, kite shield, rectangular shield, buckler,
  • leather armour, brigandine, metal plates, scale mail, banded, studded leather, bracers, pot helms, iron caps, mail shirt or hauberk,
  • dragon boats, square-sailed rigging boats, oared ships, shield boats, wooden ships,
  • cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses
  • barley, eggs, fish, whale, shellfish, seaweed, driftwood, peat, wood
  • runes, rune stones, wooden rune tablets, scrolls, battle standards,


  • combat: two-handed fast attack, shield and axe, spears and bows used at range before closing, trip move with hooked head of axe, disarming maneuvers,
  • shield wall (military formation),
  • raiding, pillaging, attacking, invading, marauding, conquering, rushing, charging, flanking, ambushing, pulling feints,
  • farming, harvesting, butchering, grazing animals,
  • paying tribute, taxes, duties, dues,
  • invoking nature magic, divine magic, divine intervention from pantheon of Norse Gods, working up curses, hexes, mixing potions or concoctions or poisons,
  • intimidating enemies, blustering, provoking, goading
  • crafting, building, woodworking, constructing,


  • farmer, accomplished craftsman, artisan, countryman,
  • sworn to a lord (hearth man),
  • kidnapped and raised by Vikings (but really an outsider)
  • militiaman, mercenary, adventurer,


  • Vikings often pay tribute or dues to their lords
  • Vikings will typically live on homesteads spread about with grazing land for livestock and cultivated land for grain crops.
  • Role-players:
    • blend some Viking stuff with other areas of fantasy to create great fusion narrative.
    • introduce magic, particularly divine magic, into objects and people in your Viking fantasy world. Click here for the Viking Pantheon of Gods


  • raiding as a Viking can lead to many cool adventures, discoveries, conflicts… even love stories
  • artifacts, relics, treasures of great significance can lead to awesome narratives.
  • battles amongst the Vikings vying for power can create great dramatic tension